I actually didn't know that today is the announcement for IPTA appeal for those who score 2.8 and above. I only knew it when i received a text message from Kah Yeik, i thought i'll missed out the full of fun orientation week. But, of course i don't have to.
There were 5 URLs provided, and when i first check, i wasn't offered any. So, i'm like "haiz, expected" but i was thinking it's quite impossible what, so did double check via SMS.
When i first saw i was like shouting, i was thinking YES ! i'm offered with MA81. I remember MAx1 is a code for Media Studies i apply for UM. I was over the moon !
So, i triple check it. This time, i saw this.
Anda telah berjaya ditawarkan program pengajian seperti berikut :
I was like YEAY ! I GOT UM !
But wait, what is anthropology ? i googled it.
read it up. ._.
you wanna know what's anthropology ? click this.
Guys, stop asking me what's this ok. I got so fed up.
But since i wasn't offered any course before, so i just accepted it, having some other plans for it.
But still, i'm really grateful with this. For getting a course in UM, both my siblings are here. It's a city, i can go anywhere easily, i'm not those jungle type person, i can't stay in that place forever. So, thank you. :)
indescribable feelings when i received this :)