14 November 2014

Hectic Restless Life - nail and nailed

Hi, long time no see, my readers, my blog, my secret corner. I'm back to blogging finally after disappearing for so long. Tonnes of work and assignments got me grounded for a whole 2 weeks. Walking to the toilet was the most thrilling exercise i had in these 2 weeks. My life was plain "Eat, sleep, FYP. Repeat" You must be saying, "what's so big deal with that, assignments and FYP only what." Mine was not just plain FYP and assignments, but 1 quiz, 3 assignments submission and 6 presentations including 1 FYP research proposal presentation, it means quite a lot to me. Satisfaction and recognization gained from the FYP presentation helps to motivate me in a very positive way. In short, FYP is my 3rd year uni life. Luckily, things went quite well and i'm satisfied though i have to sacrifice my sleep hours and skip some classes.  I have to confess that i've improved much compared to last year, i don't simply skip classes and i tried avoid doing last minute job, but some of the assignments topic are too serious and i could not just crap during presentation without doing further investigation on the history background, esp for political assignments.

Continuously having only 4 hours sleep per day is a real torture, but i survived. I could probably share a very effective "staying up late tips", if you have decided not to sleep whole night, then take a very light nap not more than 20 minutes around 12am, then you will feel extra duper sleepy around 1-2am, MUST NOT SLEEP ! If you ever close you eyes, i guarantee that you'll feel very lethargic even if you wake up at 10am, so hold on and sleep between 3-5am; even if you wake at 8am,you're gonna feel energetic, trust me, i'm a very experienced owl. But if you have so much work that you could not even finish before 5am, then you'll feel again another wave of duper heavy eyelids strike around 6-7am, please do not give in. I would advise you to either stay till the next day or sleep before the wave. 

Trust me, i'm an experienced owl. This is how i survived through my high school and uni life.
However terrible it is, nail it just nail it.

talk to you soon,
im going off for a Ipoh food trip together with the beloved fam,
to distress a bit.

food therapy ad retail therapy work best for me. 
kbyethx, xoxo. 

Face of 'challenges accepted and accomplished'. Achievement unlocked! 

1 quiz, 3 assignments submission, and 6 presentations including FYP research proposal presentation in 2 weeks time. Nail it, just nail it. \(^o^)/YES!

not forgetting to pop a champagne for 10k visits. wheeee, i know it's nothing compared to famous bloggers, which hits in a day could prolly beat my total visits, but it's a lil motivation for myself to continue writing, looking forward to hit another milestones ! :D :'*

18 October 2014

#part 3: extra lil facts about me

Alright, so it's bloggy time again. lil facts about me !

Fact 1: I super hate "destroyer" in the karaoke room. 
The destroyer i'm saying here is those who spoil every single song u pick and they knows every song and intentionally sings it awfully. It's a song, halo? At least let me sing on my own, nicely, for just one song la.

Fact 2: "Lite" FM is now my fav.
I used to laugh at LiteN'Easy audiences, because i think it's a radio station for old peoples, octogenerians. But when i tried to listen it once, it was loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I like oldies, classical hits, and so, i kinda fell in love at first sight(heard) to it. :P

Fact 3: Shopaholic
Yes, i'm a shopaholic and i like to dress up whenever i get out of my room. I like to dress up neatly for classes and i never wear College T-shirts out, unless i'm sick. Coursemates would know this. Dressing up nicely and neatly makes me feel good, and because of this, some of the seniors or unimates who don't know me really well, they secretly addressed me as "flower vase". LOLLLLL, they confessed this to me when they know me better in person. *yawn* HAHAHHAHA, being a shopaholic or ban mei mei is not a guilt ok. xD BTW, i'm good at buying cheap and good quality clothes, you can always count on me for shopping advise. :)

Fact 4: I buy kiddo-size t-shirts.
Ok, i dont really like buying t-shirts, and sometimeswhen i feel like i need some, i like to buy kiddo-size t-shirts. Their t-shirts are much cheaper and it fits perfectly. Buying size 9-12 is just nice for me. :p

Fact 5: I never give-in, esp to boastful people.
Sometimes i meet hateful people, that they “扎住鸡毛当令箭”,thinking themselves are more experienced and more superior than me, and like to give me instructions instead of discussing with me, i never give in. Sorry, i don't care who you are, but i just won't give a sh*t about it. I will just ignore and make you feel transparent. I'm expert at it. 

Fact 6: I'm a coffee addict.
I'm badly addicted to coffee, white coffees, like cappuccino, latte, flat white and caramel macchiatto. I'm wide awakened after having a cup of coffee, and tends to have insomnia until 2-3 in the morning to put me into sleep. But, but, green tea/ black tea is ever worse, i can only sleep at 5am after having one.

Fact 7: I can't spell "Malacca"
I've been wrong for years, that i spell "Malacca" as "Melacca". :D I just couldn't spell it correctly.

Fact 8: I'm an utmost ghost movie lovers.
Yes ! Ghost movies and horror movies are always at the top of the list. Though i might scream like hell, but i'm calm aftermath. I can watch it at house alone during midnight, i can watch it alone it the cinema, (but not alone at midnight la, safety issues). 

i think that's it for today, im tired squeezing my brain juice. Hahahha, see you soon !


03 October 2014

some lil things about me #part2: 15 facts about me

Okayh, out of all things, i just wanna pause reading at this moment after drilling and draining my brain for a few hours for the Research Proposal, argghhh, life of a third year uni student. FYP rules my life. *whips*


So, instead of doing some light reading or thinking any further for assignments and fyp, i decided to further elaborate lil facts about me. Earlier on, that was a trend called "20 facts about me", so i was tagged and i was too laszy, listed 20 facts, 15 were new and the other 5 was the one previously shared on my blog.


1. Joycelyn. Name was given by my sister, you can't find it in the name dictionary.

Oh that's true, i don't even know exactly what it means but my family was hoping me to become a very cheerful and joyful person. :D i think somehow i did.

2. I hate ppl comparing me with Joyce Chu (Many people like to compare us because my name is Joycelyn Chu. Only name is similar okay?)

I don't have such ability to be compared,garhhh. enough. I am just myself, Joycelyn Chu is just Joycelyn Chu.

3. I sneeze like a kitty, very soft, but at least 4 times in a row.

I'm sorry if i freaked any of you, sometimes i think it would scared off people sitting next to me thinking i have flu and might infect them, it's just sensitive nose....i do it everyday, and no one is infected because of that. T.T

4: Sensitive nose to dust and cheap fragrance.

Hahhaha, that is why i always say "No" to people who offered me fragrance free gifts in the mall (and it's act dangerous to inhale any perfume from a stranger, it might be a crime trap). I always ask my friends to switch the car perfume to the minimum bar when i got in their car, or..i will sneeze non-stop. 
5. I enjoy baking and cooking very much.

Yep, and i enjoy modifying my own recipes. I love green healthy diet but desserts at the same time. I baked countless cakes during my sem break and make sure im well fed with desserts whenever i'm hungry and i am so round now.

6. I dislike people to take things for granted, be grateful and appreciate !

Oh. I really hate this kind of people, no much description needed, i think every of us met this kind of people before.

7. I love singing and hosting very much.

I was the previous HOD for Singer department for Dayao concert and im working as a part time 988 cruiser, that i go all around Malaysia and host. Please do not hesitate to find me for hosting jobs, currently expanding my hosting experiences.

8. I'm a workaholic. I enjoy my job very much.

9. I'm a student activist (i guess UM-ians would know)

:D i contested as faculty representative in year 2013 and was lost by 49 votes.

10. I'm hyperactive and i join a lot of activities. 

Errrrr, i think those who know me knows, and they like my time management.T.T
It's actually choosing 2 out of 3 things: sleep, study and activities. LOLLLLL

11. Due to the facts from 8-10, i usually only get to reach my room earliest by 12am. 

Not so bad recently, not everyday at least, i'm old and my body cant take it anymore. Metabolism has gone down so much. *sigh...i'm old*

12. I have a sweet or perhaps diabetic tooth, i always have space for desserts.

Girls have second tier of space just for desserts i guess? :D

13. I got first runner-up for chinese traditional dance though u might think my limbs are robotic. It's unbelievable even for me.

Hell yeah. But i have yet to try modern dance, hope one day i will have such courage to do it.

14. I'm single. There are a lot of people who thought i'm attached and the first question they would ask "Where is your bf from?" instead of "Do you have a bf?"

Refer previous post. Muahahhah

15. I enjoy hanging out with a group of less than 3. Because i like to spend quality time with my dear friends. 

I would prefer to spend time alone rather than a big big bunch, sometimes. :/

Okay, that's all for now. I will keep updating the blog and some lil facts about me, so you could know me better :)) byes

11 September 2014





其实,不然。 没错,我是很强悍,我也不喜欢比我柔弱的男生为对象。我要求高,因为我无论在交朋友、学习、参加活动、谈恋爱,我都希望可以学到东西。我不喜欢把时间浪费在我觉得不可能开花结果的恋爱上。我不会因为寂寞而谈恋爱,也不会因为人有我有的心态。老实说,我寻找伴侣的大前提是他为结婚对象。有些人可能觉得我是个来自侏罗纪的人,有些人说我太天真。我知道感情这回事也不是说一拍即合,或是对方一定是适合的人选,我都明白。只是我个人对恋爱的观点是“婚姻是幸福的开始”不是坟墓。我也希望将来可以有个完整的家。所以如果对方一开始就没有这个念头,那为什么我还在浪费时间在他身上?我觉得我可以好好利用这些时间来充实自己,装备自己遇见一个更好的他。

我不是没有人追,只是目前为止还没遇到适合的他。 我自己也没有要求要马上谈恋爱,我觉得我还有梦想要追。 更何况,我现在忙到连睡觉都没有时间,我还会谈恋爱吗?暂时不会。既然知道没那么快会有个依靠,自然变得很强悍,自我保护意识变得很强。我不喜欢依赖别人,所以很多事都亲力亲为。我现在是抱着“我会单身到老”的心态去过日子。不是我真的强悍到瞧不起全世界的男生,觉得没有人配得起我。而是一种警惕,警惕我在还没有肩膀依靠前,要懂得为自己擦眼泪。




29 August 2014


今天跟闺蜜去喝了杯咖啡,看了部电影,吃了个晚餐再到海边去散步;整整几个小时当然有说不完的话。我们习惯以华语沟通,我的第一语言理所当然的是我的母语。但奇怪的是,一整天下来,总是不能够正确地把字眼给想出来,也无法正确的运用我认识的词汇甚至是成语去表达我的感受。当时我在想,到底是这几天都一个人呆着,没人和我说话,所以话语变得不通畅还是我最拿手的语言不再是我的优点?放假之前,我特意带了几本书回来,希望可以在假期里阅读完毕。但假期快结束了,书却只读了一本,就是吴若权的《我在听你说》。这是一本教人如何聆听与倾听别人,同时透过虚心的态度去让自己进步。我觉得这本书很有趣,平时的我们总是只顾自个儿说,也不去在乎到底对方要说的是什么。我看了也有很多的想法,也因为经历了很多的事让我渐渐开始少说,多听。但,一天无意间看到一个朋友的部落格,她说“我觉得一个女生一定要培养爱看书的好习惯,因为它可以让我们增加知识。。 ”看到这一句,我觉得挺惭愧的,因为我不是个爱看书的人。基本上除了平时的课本和作业,额外的书大概一年不超过5本书。我想过要多做、多听、少说,却没想过要多看。相比许多同年龄的朋友,我自认是思想比较成熟的,但我的语言魅力与许多的时事新闻却远远不及。我喜欢有个清闲的周末,坐在咖啡厅的角落,喝着热热的马奇朵,慢慢的去看我的书;看书的环境气氛对我来说很重要。但在咖啡座看不完的书往往3个月后,它还是没被翻过一夜。我发觉我好像除了上次看“吸血鬼”系列会上瘾之外,我对书本好像都没有什么坚持,都不会像别人一样要有赶快看完的冲动。我觉得这一点是我必须检讨的,就当作新学期许下的第一个期许吧!我要从这点努力的装备自己,给自己加油!

06 August 2014

Mface酷视台 ♥


托校园主播的福,我有机会参与网络电台mface的住持行列。说真的,一开始我并不怎么有信心这个网络电台主持会是我想参与的一块,毕竟以事实来说,90%以上的主持人都是美眉台。不想对她们有太多的批评,但美眉主持人从来不是我要走的路线。*我也没有这样的外表实力吧*另外,加上我这个学期的时间表真的有够惨;最早的课是9am, 最迟的课到7pm,平时放学时间普遍维持在5pm, 也非常的忙于筹备活动,真的无暇分身。所以,我比其他的同事差不多迟了2个月才加入主持,算是在酷视台资历最浅的主持人吧!


感觉非常厚脸皮,但没办法嘛,开了专业没人like是很“下衰”的事,所以还有麻烦大家帮帮忙。感谢网民,熏衣草帮我invite了这么多like,感谢!也因为开了这个专业,有些朋友又留意到我又在主持网络电台的工作,所以还是有朋友会准时收看我的节目,并在事后给予我很多的意见。真的是太谢谢你们! 我很愿意虚心受教,在工作后有人愿意花时间给你批评和意见时非常的可贵的。

我的节目名称为<朵朵马奇多之向左走·向右走>,我们称自己为NJ (Network Jockey),大家也习惯称我为“敏敏”而家俊为“姐姐”或“整容失败的陈奕讯”。大家好坏,其实家俊很帅咧。*我是收了他的赞美费没错*节目中,我们常常会和大家聊“世界5大”还有“聊男聊女”。这份主持工作不容易,因为是现场视频直播,所以必须言行谨慎。加入酷视台后发现,我们的频道果真和其他美眉台不一样,个个卧虎藏龙。NJ都有很好的主持功力,是我低估了酷视台要走的路线。我觉得我可以体验与学习到不一样的。













#ootd !




04 August 2014

some little things about me ♥ #part1

Hey yo peeps ! hmm, i'm always motivated to write when i'm homed, esp on Sunday nights. My Sunday nights are like your Friday nights and vice versa my Fridays nights are like your Sunday nights, totally in the other way round, because i'm only working on weekends !! Hoho, my weekdays are usually spent with exercises, groceries shopping with mum and lots of bakery trial and error. I have a sweet tooth and i'm a baker, i like to modify recipes and use my own way to bake, so sometimes *ahem* "accidents do happen", *long sighhhhhhhh* that's is why you don't usually see my "end up to be shitty cake" in my instagram < follow me at @chuchucism >, i don't post "shits". Hahahah. Wait, wait, back to the topic, i'm supposed to write this last night but i'm so exhausted and i ended up to hit the sack though insomnia striked again, darn!!

Today, i'm writing this to share some little weird things/ OCD (Obsessive Compulsory Disorder) of me,so that you could understand me better. Haha, it's weird, it's private, no many knows about it, because i seldom talks about it, but blogging inspiration just hit occasionally and randomly.

1. I'm a manual car driver.
Hell yeah, i drive manuals in hometown and autos in KL during work. I love manuals, i love it when i shift the gear stick between the gearbox, and drift through the quiet city. *just saying, imma a safe driverand i admire girls who have good driving skills. And i think i'm one of, so i often address myself as “关丹第一女车神”, in English, the "Number 1 Goddess Driver of Kuantan". *thick face mode on, but who cares? hahahah*

2. Shoes
I'm a person who is very particular about shoes, you don't always see me buying shoes, because i'm very very picky over shoes. I won't/ never tolerate to buy any middle-ranged price shoes without it being exactly my cup of tea, unless it's so cheap and i only have a pair of slippers with me. And, i'm never a flip-flop person, i DON'T wear slippers out, never, unless i go out for a quick dinner or i'm really sick. I really cannot understand when peoples wear flipflops with dress... To me, dress should be matched with heels, wedges, flats or sneakers but not flip flops. It feels exactly the same like my kind of OCD. Ohhhhh

*This pair of CarloRino loafers was one of my fav,
i bought the grey covered shoes coz i was really 
broke and needed a pair of covered shoes badly.

3. OCD of ironing
I have OCD of ironing, in case you don't know what it is, 熨烫强迫症. I iron all my clothes before wearing them since form 6 (when i started to iron all my clothes). For once in my uni year 1, i was so busy with exams, that i never iron the clothes and wore it out, i felt as if i'm naked, kept pulling my shirts and feeling uncomfortable. I spend hours every 2-3 weeks to iron them all. But i got very frustrated because i kinda lack of time to iron them, so i prefer to buy non-wrinkled materials nowadays. :3
*i posted a few photos of clothes i need to iron in my instagram before*

4. Temperament
I have the worst temperament after wake up/morning out of all day, unless i have really deep and sufficient sleep. Ok, so if you ever ruin my mood in the morning, it affects me for whole day. *DONT TRY TO STEP ON MY TAIL*

5. Ailurophobia
I have Ailurophobia, phobia of cats. I shiver whenever i look/stare at the cats, and when their tails touch my leg, i feel cold in the spine. This was developed since i was form 3. That time i was a brass band member *fyi, imma a trumpeter*, i have to stay back for practice because we were having some kind of performance. We were all having lunch in canteen and that time a few Malay uncles and aunties love to keep cats, they just like to feed them, that was why they were a lot of cats in the canteen. One of it has some skin disease, injured and inflamed wounds, and lice on the body. When it suddenly appears next to my feet, I was screamed my lungs out. And since then, I can only stand with 2D cats, but not the 3D ones, even if it's very very cute. Worst, my bloody neighbour fed the stray cats without giving them proper hygienic care and shelter, thus, they came to my house and sleep on the clean floor for a 5 star spa service after having eal at next door. Idk whether is the food not clean or what, stupid cats would puke in my house. DAMNNNN Sometimes i even develop a little bit of hatred about it.

ok, i have to admit, it's really cute...in 2D.

alright, that's all for today,
and see you soon!

do follow me on instagram and blog for more updates :3

23 July 2014

insomnia strikes again and again

Clock is ticking, "tick tock tick tock".
It shows that it has passed midnight, it continues to tick.
"tick tock tick tock" an hour passed by.
"tick tock tick tock" 2 hours passed by..
My eyes are tired, and body needs to rest, but i'm not sleeping.
So, i decided to wake up and do some light reading.
Picking up the book by my side and started to read  a chapter or two, trying to tire my eyes.
I thought i'm all exhausted, then i switch off the lights and close my eyes.
I was so tired, and i feel sense a probability of falling asleep.
So i cherished in my heart saying "Yes, finally i'm falling asleep"
Switching off the lights and quickly cuddle myself
Rolling left and right, deep and shallow
I feel the tears rolling off my eyes
It's the tears of fatigue
but the god damn eyes just got brighten and refreshed
What? Yes
So, my eyes are energized after releasing the tired hormones through tear drops
Then i switch on the lights again
What else do i do?
I started to knit and checking messages and instagram on phone
When my eyes tend to feel tired again, i switch off the lights
This time, i stressed myself that i have to sleep
So, here i go switching off the lights again and hit the sack
Nightmare happens
I ain't falling asleep yt
What else to do?
I check the phone again and sleep.
Finally, it's now almost 3am.
And my eyes are closing and resting.
My brain is still not power off officially yt,
because i dream almost every night.

The next day i wake up at 9am.

It repeats everyday and it's getting worse.
I don't know what to do.
I had insomnia when i was in form 4,
and i believed that that time was the hormone inbalance
because i was still at an age of puberty.
It sometimes happens as well,
but only for a short term,
usually during exam period.
But once exam's over, it's over.

One thing to be sure, my health been deteriorating since year 2,
I know i've mentioned this for a few times in the previous posts,
but i actually got quite weak body.
During sem 1, i always/ have weekly sickness,
i always feel unwell for at least once a week.
I have to pop pills and medicine, i know it's bad, but it's the fatest way to get well.
And porbably because of that my immune system has been bad,
and near the end of the semester, facing too much of stressors,
i take flu and fever medicine that can cause drowsiness to help me sleep.
I know this sounds illogical,
but i really did that.
In sem 2,
i was overburdened by too much of activities and responsibilities,
it's not that i can't sleep,
but i don't have time to sleep.
Habits changed from year 1 to year 2,
from sleeping time at 12am to 3am/4am/5am/no sleep at all.
To stay awake,
from a coffee lover that loves to enjoy coffee and indulge to pamper myself
to a coffee addict that couldn't concentrate without caffeine.
For 2 whole months, 1 month for assignments, and 1 month for exams.
And since then, i never sleep well.

I've tried all things since i'm bak to hometown,
I sleep at 11.30pm, no caffeine, no supper, workout, fewer naps, calming and soothing tea that helps to sleep, bought new bolster to ensure sleep quality, and regular meals.
But nothing works.
Searched for all kinds of insomnia treatment, but just won't help.
It's at the moment that i even wished that someone would give me a punch at my face,
right enough to make me fall asleep.
I refused to take sleeping pills or anymore drowsy medicine to put me to sleep,
it's still medicine after all and has side effects.
I thought sleeping pills are like tranquilizer tat calms you and slow down brain activity,
I'm afraid if i started taking, i won't be able to stop,
and my brain will start damaging,
i still have dreams to achieve...

Tell me, tell me what to do,
i really need some sleep.

20 July 2014

Toilet manner: How do you queue?

Since i came back from KL, i'm very motivated to blog and today i'm gonna blog about what i saw in the toilet. FYI, i'm now working as part time weekend promoter in Watsons, Kuantan Parade. So, if you happen to be there, do drop by and say hello :)

I don't remember when and who was it that blogged about toilet manner once ago, but i remember vividly and i whole-heartedly agree and practice them till now, for years already. Besides keeping the toilet and the compound clean, there is one habit that people often missed out. The "Queueing manner". That blogger gave me a very good idea on how to queue.

You queue in a line, at the free spaces in the toilet, instead of standing in front of each cubicle. You get what i mean?

so, to let you understand better for what i'm trying to say, 
i drew this cute piece. Scenario 1 showing usual queueing manner, 
and Scenario 2 showing how it should be. 
*after done drawing only i realized that i got unisex toilet ._. *

So, by queueing in a common line, even if one who has some diarrhea problem and needs to occupy the toilet for some time, it won't affect you, because you don't wait for him/her outside cubicle. You still get to choose, and the order goes by first come, first serve. I don't mind if people standing behind me cut my queue when there's a vacant seated toilet, because i usually don't go for those, unless in a clean shopping mall or hotels, provided they ask first la. But, i feel a bit of annoyed when the people here they freaking cut my queue. Of course, i tend to talk to them if they're overboard but sometimes i just take it as "Aiya, people here got no sense of toilet manner." Well, back then in KL, a lot of people have been practicing this habit, not all, but back in Kuantan is like a lot of people have not been practicing and only a small number of people do this. I find the toilet manner her is really bad, i got no idea that they pretended they don't see you or they really got no idea to queue that way. Queueing outside of each cubicle is like betting/ gambling, see your luck if the people is using the toilet fast or not. And i heard, foreigners are queueing in one common line too, i really hope Malaysians could learn this up quick. I'm tired of the queue cutting.

So, how's your toilet manner?

see you soon, 

Coincidentally found this blogger having the same thoughts as me when i was googling image for proper toilet manner, and apparently i failed and this is why you see the unisex toilet drawing above. -.- Ok, so share you the link as well, you may wanna read? :) Pardon My Randomness

17 July 2014

Kiki Kamaruddin a.k.a. Kak Steering Lock

I'm always generous to give free publicity to those who tries so hard to get famous, especially in a notorious way. Yeah, ikr, me so kind :p Ok not saying that i'm so famous like blogger Xiaxue, when she blogs about one freaking ant, the whole world blocks the ant. But erm, just trying to write something to express my thoughts and then i'll stop talking about her, or them. Kind of like making a proper ending and then move on? Whatever. But obviously today i'm gonna blog about the CURRENT RED PEOPLE, *duhhhh* Tadahhh !!
Kiki Kamaruddin a.k.a. Kak Steering Lock

So this incident happened in Kuantan, *damn mempersiasuikan* on Tuesday, there was one road rage video that went viral around Malaysia, or even internationally,*idk,perhaps* wild spread within hours. Kak Steering Lock was driving a brand new Peugeot 208, with the car plate CDM25 and Uncle Sim (the victim /.\, pity him) he accidentally hit on her bumper, i would say kissed instead, because according to Uncle Sim, he himself doesn't even realized that his car bumped onto hers. Then she got out from the car, and knocked Uncle's car vigorously then open his door. She then grabbed his car key and steering lock then hit on Uncle's car, everywhere, the windows, front cover, and make a few deep dents, shouting like a mad and extorted for RM2000 as compensation. Uncle replied her politely but she just kept roaring and barking saying "I don't care! Pay me 2 thousand now!". When she moved her car a bit to check the damage on her car, she just f*cking being racist and humiliated Uncle with "Dia Cina, dia ingat dia ni bagus sangat, dia stupid" smtg like that. While from the beginning till the end, uncle was calm and steady, talked nicely and did not even raise his voice. The whole thing was captured in video and uploaded to the facebook. 

*for those who missed this, please click the link below:

Of course, like any other, i got really angry at this, and was really irritated. Some even dug her name, her mobile number, address, company, like page, facebook page, all kind of personal details and even trolled her with 9 gag pictures, Thor, and blah. Everyone scolded and is still scolding her for such abusive and violent actions and words. Some of the people said we, the netizens (social media users) should stop cyber abuse, and what is there left to make us different from her if we continue with the cyber bullying? Well, let me highlight a few points here and see how we can see this thing from some other perspectives: *Okay, to some of the friends who wrote this, don't get too offended, this post wasn't written to go against you, there are also some blogger that has said the same thing. I'm just writing about my thoughts. Chill ! :)*

Perspective 1: The netizens being too overboard
The incident has happened for 2 days, and the whole Malaysia is still spamming her with hate comments, and negative critiques. And this is an action that affects only Uncle not the whole community, why is there like no turning back? As if there's no chance that she could be forgiven? Every human makes mistake, why can't we be generous and open-hearted? While the victim of the whole incident, Uncle Sim has already chosen to forgive her? She owes the world nothing, she doesn't have to apologize to the whole world.

Perspective 2: The power of social media
Things can spread like wild fire on social media within hours, minutes and even secs, and becomes a chilli hot topic of the day, for examples, Red People Charles Tee Bye Malaysia video, Playboy Bunny Felixia Yeap converting to Islam. Social media, especially Facebook, has an leaping increment of users and subscribers, has become one of an important source of information at the 21st century. Without noticing it, we have now slowly switched from traditional and mainstream media to alternative media, a.k.a. internet. This is not the first case, and each of us who lives in a computer literate era, should have known and well informed that the power of social media is no joke. Therefore, each of us should realized and always be reminded that every action of you in public is being watched. This is something we should always bear in mind, it's absolute, don't ask why, unless you choose to live in a place of nature, where there will be no contact with the world through electronic gadgets. 

Perspective 3: Social responsibilities
I don't know how many people would agree with me on this, but to me, every people has their own social responsibilities, be it a lil children, a cop, a cleaner or anybody. The way you carry yourself and portrays yourself, true is something very personal, but at the same time you have the social responsibilities. You never know things you have said or actions you have done could affect/ influence someone else, especially in public. Therefore, a punishment has to be granted, to make sure there is no one who would follow her footsteps. So, it might be some kind of social responsibilities of each of us has a citizen, to call a difference between right and wrong?

Perspective 4: You are no one to judge
True, we are no one to judge, but we have our rights to speak as well ! Speaking to your conscience, each of us know how to differentiate black and white and how to judge. Since we can't do any physical punishment, verbal punishment is the biggest we can do. We have our rights to speak as well, posting on our page :/ *i know, this perspective is a bit of...farfetched/ unconvincing /.\ *

Perspective 5: Padan muka lah! She's racist what.
I would say..."Damn it, she really is, such a racist" Accidents happen everyday, but it's definitely own personal driving skills. Even if you got no good impression about certain race, you don't have to do it in the public. *i'm not saying silent racism is encouraged, i encourage to settle things face to face, heart to heart.* She's racist, and this is what she gets. Peoples are all so annoyed with racial issue already, and from what we can read from the comments, we actually could really tolerate with each other, and all of us stood for uncle regardless of his race. Being cheated by Chinese should not be an excuse to throw vulgar words to uncle. I have experienced my car being hit by Indian motorcyclist, so? I still have very good Indian friends.

Perspective 6: Padan muka! Being so rude and disrespectful to elders.
Oh, I really cannot tahan this. At an age of 22, i have old parents too, also around the age of Uncle Sim. Putting yourself in the shoes, do you feel angry and wanted to slap her face? Seriously, it's conscience! True feelings that born in our heart consisting of sympathy and care, we wanted to protect the Uncle, because we are not there when the incident happened. Some kind of feelings that we wanted to compensate harm she did on Uncle.

Perspective 7: Why were there no one willing to help?
I guess most of the people are afraid that the steering lock would land on their face. /.\ Normal but shameful reaction. I would not say i would stand out to help because you'll be saying i am saying belated words 马后炮, but i would definitely not let him face alone. Be it getting out of car or honking.

Perspective 8: It's not that netizens refused to stop, but she doesn't want to stop.
Humans are forgetful, they don't really care about anything that they would immediately shift their attention when some new issues arised. Simple, you just have to keep quiet, apologize and probably just make an official statement, something like "Uncle has already forgive me, I'm so sorry for what i've done, i hope i have not make a bad influence to the people and hope all of you would give me a chance to repent..". In one week's time, nobody's gonna rmb you. But you chose to post non-stop, sarcastically and egoistic, you're really digging your own grave. Being arrogant and insincere, she insulted us, the netizens and also the daughter of the uncle who wanted to sue her. *bravo世界一大奇葩*

Perspective 9: I did not post on facebook! I already deactivated my profile since that day.
Ohhhhh......i doubt this. It could probably be true, but somehow i think you pretended to be hacked, bitch. Anyway, if this was true, and your facebook accounts were hacked, i can only say, you're unfortunate. So malang that people know you're on hot pot and still wanna frame you, i guess you must have offended some people seriously..

Perspective 10: The most idiotic *excuse me* unreasonable action by the radio stations
So, on Thursday morning, she appeared on a few radio stations, MyFM, Era FM, Hitz FM and Fly FM. The DJs interviewed her and listen from her side of story, of course she made those monkey shows la, cry la, tear la, apologize la.blahhh and what? Labelling the cyber critiques as cyber bully? I was like *duuuuhhhhh*. I have to say i really like some DJs and the way they host but i couldn't agree with this move, interviewing her. So they're definitely giving a very bad example to the public that "If you have done something wrong, you can appear on radio stations and be hero as you wish and of course gain more attention." This is so wrong ! I do not condemn whether it is their faults or the company's arrngement, but this is wrong for sure and they have wrong attention. They should have invited Uncle Sim instead of her.

Anyway, there's one big thing that many of us have missed, his calm and forgiveness is something we should learn. In such a multi-racial community, it is important to have such great tolerance and calm when facing some agitating situations. And i really salute Star Radio group, *not being sycophant, i got nothing in return though i'm one of the staff* for inviting Uncle Sim for interview session to share his wise thoughts. He's such a wise man that teaches us to spread love, not hate.

So, since then, i'm gonna stop blabbing about her and gonna learn more from Uncle Sim, let's cherish #UncleSim instead of #CDM25 for his wise thoughts. Though i'm not perfect, but i'm slowly learning and hope now we could focus on something else instead of this useless Kiki. Came across one of my fav blogger, Daphne Charice's vlog. I couldn't agree more, stop sharing shits on facebook, i wanted to say this long ago too, but somehow i ddin't made up the courage and just ignore them. Once in awhile, i do share stupid shits, some was meant to insult them for info-less content(or in other words, being stupid), ok, i know, stop sharing. But really...stop sharing it, if you find it useless. You can always remove the link after you've read it whatttt..Share more love, and stop the negativity! :)) Will try to remind myself to share less negative posts on social media onwards :) You know, you don't have to share to make the sakais even popular, which they got no talent or wise thoughts to deserve that. Let me conveniently insult these guys as well.... I seriously don't know who you are and have not heard of you before until the day you revealed and exposed your stupidity...and being curious, i clicked one of the video of the 红人hosting it. And you freaking tell me what life is? -.- You think you wanna tell me that? seriously? I've been through much more compared to you, you young cows... Ok, out of topic, stop insulting people Joycelyn Chu !!! Hahahahah, okay, that's all for today.

see you soon.

04 July 2014

Sympathy? No, not so much from me.

Alright the topic sounds really harsh, but read before you give any nasty comments.

People who often get along with me knows that I'm an easy person who would shed tear over trivial matters or even dramas, but it doesn't mean that i'm weak or i'm emotional, but i'm easily touched. That's it. But things go different for me while some people consider this as something unfortunate on certain cases:

Let me give a few examples;
There was once a presentation and sharing session in the class, Visual Anthropology, where each of us have to do a video of something, either in documentary or story form, anything. So, after presenting mine, then i quietly watch my classmate's. She was doing about soup kitchen in pasar seni. It is there every Sunday morning to help with the homeless. Okayh...i got no so much comments on the homeless.. but the 1st interviewee said that he has 2 sons, and his wife is away. idk why, but he mentioned that each time his wife is back, he will go "check-in hotel" with her. I was like WTF, i got so mad ! i know i mean it doesn't even has anything to do with me but the problem is he is abusing the people's sympathy who is giving out free food and clothes. He actually has the spending power to go for hotel and probably condoms but he got no money for the children and food???!!! Like seriously???!!! *roll eyes*

Alright, so they calm me down and proceeded to the 2nd interviewee, i forget her name (nevermind, since she's not important), the lady has a son, she's 35, was a pub singer back then and currently jobless, staying in a rumah setinggan somewhere near Pasar Seni. She had 9 children, at an age of 35, but she gave 8 of them away because she got no ability to raise them and my classmate asked her why not send the children to Jabatan Kebajikan then go and get work and live a better life since she could not even afford normal day livings for the children? She said she gave all children away and she really wanted to keep this one and sound really pity. Of course, i got really emotional again. Because to me, this is called irresponsible and brainless act, if you got no way to bring up your children then don't even get pregnant ! True, those who have higher education background tends to plan for their family size and practice appropriate birth control while those who have lower education background tends to have bigger family size. But to me, it is a "a priori" knowledge that "sexual intercourse may create lives", thus, if you hold on your sexual desire and control it, birth and pregnancy can be controlled. Don't tell me bullshits like "pregnancy can be caused by other ways than sexual intercourse" so, if you don't do it, how the hell can you get pregnant? Blame the society for not hiring you or giving you "jobless and homeless pregnancy allowance" ? Blame yourselves first! True, there might be problems of the policies in the country, but i think parents have to bear all responsibilities of children. Imagine, she's on 35, and she gave birth to 9 children, so one child per year, she's getting pregnant non-stop since she's 26 then. Now, you tell me how normal is this and i really couldn't take this, and the funniest thing, my classmate said she just leave her son aside when it come to clothes distributing. So, now clothes are more important than the son.. 

So, i often don't offer my sympathy to those people esp those with lots of kids. No, don't tell me every human has the desire and sometimes it get lose of control. The biggest different between animals and human is that human speaks, human thinks and human controls. If you can't fo this then what's the difference between you and an animal? Some might say " WalaoA, you also cannot control eating la, that's why you so fat la now!" True, as long as it does not affect others well-being and abuse other's sympathy. Ya, i'm fat, but i don't get food from soup kitchens what. 

Oh, ya, and i would never offer my sympathy to beggars too, esp those from the human trafficking syndicate. You cheated my sympathy once, twice, and you're not getting it from me again. I got so disappointed with those who exploit people's sympathy. *long sigh*

So, how about you ? Do you agree? Well, some of my friends do. I only would offer my sympathy to those who are physically and mentally less capable than us and really pity cases that got no relevance with big family size. :/

P/S: (vocab here) "a priori" meaning innate knowledge/ born knowledge. 
P/SS: During the time i commented on second interviewee, my classmate Nadhir asked" May i ask if you have fall in love before or not? ".. Like, what i'm just being rational what..
am i that rational that makes people feel like i'm stone-hearted or what.. :/

26 June 2014







12 June 2014




E-scroll? 电子版文凭?


马来西亚首屈一指的政府大学,马来亚大学再爆惊人消息。从2014年7月1 日起,将正式采用“电子版毕业文凭政策”。马大将不会印刷纸本文凭给予学生,而只会提供电子版文凭给学生自行印刷,如果学生仍然想要索取纸本文凭,学生必须另外缴付RM50 的手续费,而国际学生必须缴付RM70。如果意外遗失了正版文凭,马大也表示不会再补发文凭。马大新青年在这里强烈抗议马大的无理政策,原因基于以下几点:

(一) 学校藐视学术象征—文凭。

文凭乃是必要的学术象征, 是学生寒窗苦读多年的认同与证明,亦是父母栽培多年的期望。其中象征的是学术和大学精神。如今为了节省开销却无理地把纸文凭省略,替换成电子文凭, 剥削学生权益。

(二) 学校变卖文凭,将文凭代价而沽

(三) 学校的环保理由不成立

(四) 学校不再补发丢失文凭,不近人情



#BolehLand #UMBoleh #EScroll #WeAreAllSkrolUM

28 May 2014

spoonfeed or self-learn ?

So, I try to recap what have I studied for the semester 2 of my year 2. I did not have time to update at the early sem and also wrap up for last semester’s on time yet, and now still busy with final week submission, but I couldn’t stop myself from writing this. Courses I’m taking this sem are Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Psychology, Media and Politics, Visual Anthropology, Contemporary Social Thoughts and Quantitative Data Analysis. So the first 3 are those which I think I can still manage and interested with, but the latter 3 are those I’m really so terrified with. I have to admit I was not a good student for this whole semester, I was too overfilled with activities, work and my health condition isn’t getting any better. And there's only one thing i can say i'm just a typical kind of student. I'm used to spoonfed education ever since we're all young beanies, so it's really hard for me to go through non-spoonfed and all self-digged-information studies. I would say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. and i'm a notes kind of student, i can't study without proper notes. So, please give me notes and i will score.

I know this sounds really bad and lazy, but it's true, i like the idea of the latter method, but i'm just not brought up in such education system. And it kills if you're expecting me to score an 'A' with that kind of teaching method and in the situation that we're so overloaded with activities. Yes, some would say studies should be a student's priority; it's yours but not mine. I just wanted to learn instead of doing for the sake of doing it. So, please continue to spoonfeed me, i got so irritated with the helpless syllabus, where everyone in the class told you, this method is not working and you still go on with it and tell us you got no choice.