24 June 2013

Exam aftermath

It's time to post about the recent exam that i have just sat for my semester 2. Fingers are so retarded in typing now, motivated to blog but not inspired. SHIIIAAATTTT.

Overall comments:
1. Ethnic Relations -  Never thought i would be able to sit there hours just to study the words,i mean no big diff with studying about history, which is something i hate since i was born. I don't even understand why would i ever score A in my PMR, though never after. LOLLLL, i hate it. i usually doze off when i see wordsssss. That well explains why do i love maths so much, i like subjects that could make me think and i'm always eager to solve the equations. But, unexpectedly i think this was the best paper i've done among all. ZOMG-ly unbelievable. I was so determined to study them.

2. Islamic and Asian Civilization - It was the first subject that i studied during the study week and ok not bad, same thgs happen like when i study about Ethnic, hahaha. Unpredictably was the second best subject i've done. again D: miracle happens.

3. Current Issues in Development - IT WAS SO TOUGH, SO HARD ! AS HARD AS A ROCK ! my god, though lecturer, Dr. Lee has given us the questions and clues, but still as i said it's a 3rd year paper. The killer. Couldn't even rest in peace after killed by this paper, *sigh* can't even close my eyes and sleep peacefully in the coffin. Non-stop haunted by the emotional feelings after, esp when Dr.Lee distributed the marks for our assignment at the moment he collect the test paper, (23/40) where others get 28. :'( EMOOO, i think i can barely pass this paper.

4. Macroeconomics - I was supposed to have 6 days to study for this subject which should be very sufficient, but CID's sad news and heartbreaking Community Development assignment which was announced through e-mail right after first round of death by CDI, 27/40. Habislahh, it's another third year subject, which i have expected to have low scores for this sub as well ( coz i'm only first year student, what do you expect? ) but it's worse than i've expected. Goshhhh. Ok, back to Macroeconomics. I conveniently spent 2 days on drama to sweep my moody feelings away,  and the second day i was stucked with song-writing. I can only blame why inspiration comes at this hour and usually when inspirations comes and you don't grab it, it's gone the next day. So, i pleasantly jot down my words and melody at that moment, was 70% done now. There goes the 3 days, another 3, which i was stucked in drama"Dream High" for don't know why, and ok la i act studied about it, and i was regret at the moment i read the questions. I thought i was the one who gave up in scoring high marks, but when i passed it up, i realized, it's not a subject which you can study in few days' time, it need continuous effort. I usually can memorize and remember important points if i study in the fresh morning before exam. But my magic spell doesn't work, so i know there's not much to do with the time wasted. Haha, excuses. Bad excuses.

5. Microeconomics - I realized the sickening effects of being grumpy and angry over a subject the has passed, so i take a good nap after Macro paper and was so energized. It's always my subject, love Microeconomics, scored A in last sem, doing Micro II this sem. I have already done revision for few times already, and was quite confident with that, of course i expect an A. When i open up the question paper, 2 easy cake and 2 #omgihaveneverseenthisbefore -ly hard. -.- We have never done this any of the tutorial. I was screwed, guess i can only manage to get an B+. :/

6. Community Development - So not motivated to study for last paper but i did studied some and actually found that there were some common field of studies among these 4 subjects, Community Development, Current Issues, TITAS and Ethnic. Just wondering would it be better if i were a good student since day 1? Anyway, just forget about it, that's impossible, i'm never the kind of tied-to-chair type student, not even u put super glue on my seat. WHATEVEEERRRR, is the last paper already but i just don't feel happy nor relieved after i passed it up. I just feel hopeless and giving up. Enough, ll i want is just waking up by myself and not alarm clock anymore. I'm done with sleepless nights. 

That's it, awaiting for the results, i just hope miracles would happen. By then i might be able to change my major course to Media studies, it's my last chance already.. *plllllllsssssssssssss*i'm begging it :'(

I'll blog about my sem 2 life in the next post.
Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.

20 June 2013


it's the first chinese post i think ?
it's posted on behalf of me ok.. i'm so lazy to do in the english version. D:
so just read it :)

对于马大系院于71日合并一事,我个人立场坚决反对并基于以下几点提出提问, 要求校方作出合理解释。

1. 大学生身为一分子,但却在没有被通知的情况下,赫然发现系院合并一事。尤其学生现在增在应付期末考,根本无暇兼顾其他事项。校方贸贸然地要在71日将16个系院合并成5个主要系院,此举明显是在声东击西,难免引起学生对此项合并的不满。学生并没有足够的时间去了解与反映整件事,要学生在毫不知情的情况下接受校方的安排明显不妥。身为学校的一分子,学生有权利去知道学校的计划与变化,并发表意见。校方应对此事作出合理解释并听取学生的意见再作出考量,毕竟系院合并对学生有着直接的影响。

2. 马大在2012年已被标榜为世界第156名最好的大学,这是可喜可贺的。但如果说这是校方要在世界大学排行榜中挤进首100而作出的对策,那是不可理喻的。如果单凭以论文的数量来总结一个大学的潜力与知识水平,听起来甚是肤浅。在系院合并以后,会有3个主要系院是可以以科学角度去推出论文的,而原来的8个文学、经济、生意、法律系将缩减成2 个主要系院,此举明显把重心放在科学系系院,而忽略了文科系。校方必须明白文科系间的分别,虽然同样是文科,但是学系范围差异非常大,并不能合并。因为学术上的巨大差异,强硬把回教系、马来系、文化艺术系、语言系和文学系合并,只会带来行政上的各种不便于意见上的分歧,造成各个部门间的摩擦,毕竟不能充分了解能妥善处理各个部门的方案。我们促请校方重视文学院,文学院的论文数量也许没有其他科学系学院来得高,但这并不代表它的存在性不重要。文学系所学的是人类文明史的精髓,是人类存在的证据,这些人类遗留下来的文化都是值得我们一一去探讨与保存的,不应该被忽略其重要性。

3. 对于系院合并一事,学生们都充满着疑惑。到底合并后,是不是也意味着必须修读其他科系的科目?学年又是否必须要延长?如果修读生意系的是不是又必须要修读法律系?法律系的学生有是不是要有修生意科目呢?虽然商场上会有需要生意法律的知识,但基本上有必要的都已经被包含在学习范围内,根本没有必要。此举对只想专工读某学系的学生来说是不公平的,因为他必须花上更长的时间去完成他的文凭。如果说学年不需要延长,但比修修读其他科系,那就是说讲究的是学习的宽度而不是深度。近年来,修读硕士与博士学位的人节节上升,这足以证明在修读学士学位的知识不能够让他们成为职场上附有强力竞争力的职员,如今在继续延长学习的长度而减少深度的话,只会让情况恶化。如果说校方并没有要学生工读其他科系的打算,那根本没有合并系院的必要。

4. 另外,校方也打算把回教系和马来系归纳于文学院,所以一共有五个系院将合并在一起,这不但会引起行政上的摩擦问题,校方也忘记了回教和马来文在这个国家上扮演的角色。回教和马来文都是被宪法保护的条文,甚至也在最高元首的保护范围权限内。回教和马来文在马来西亚扮演着举足轻重的角色,如果贸然将这两个系院归于其一文学院,而且在修改后的文学系名字也没有马来文或回教的字眼,必定会引起学生甚至全马人民的轰动,更有可能引起不必要的骚动。
