DAYAO has finally ended, beautifully, on 4th May 2015. Yes, coincidently it's 4th May again this year. When it ends, it also marks the beginning of #PDS, Post Dayao Syndrome. Though right now i'm really bad at writing and i've lost all my blogging skills, but still don't care i'm just gonna write. So, here it goes my PDS post.
I'm actually currently in my third year and as a third year student meaning LIFE IS ALL ABOUT FYP a.k.a THESIS. I'm quite tied up with my thesis and slowly i'm letting go my positions in all of the organizations and passing them to my juniors. Also, being too hectic in my second year uni life, it literally did drained me off, so i'm trying to give myself a balance, though i'm still juggling between studies, work and events. I have my targets to hit; which is being able to maintain my result and also stabilize my hosting career, so i'm starting to host on freelance basis as well fyi i'm still working in 988 cruiser, with even more responsibilities, I was also the Administration Bureau Head for UMANY during campus election last year end. Everything is flooding me, and I was really stressed, preparing for mini concert, campus election, auditions, camp, thesis, I struggled, honestly, I had that one sec thought of not joining Dayao, but i slashed it off immediately. I asked myself, am I satisfied yet? am i willing to let go? was the one in 2014 gonna be the end? But the thought of letting go of Dayao makes my heartache, like pain, slashing off a piece from me. So I told myself, "Persevere no matter what comes in your way, because Dayao is what you love." That was how I make myself here in Dayao 2015.
I have to say, I might look very sociable, but the familiarity in Dayao to me was built between my batchmates, since year 1, and when i knew that most of them are not joining, left only Yu Hong, Seong Jiann and me, I was lost a bit. It takes time to familiarize yourself in a really new environment, true there were some juniors whom i knew, but still, the familiarity disappeared. I was not very confident that it's gonna be as good as ever, just like how juniors were uncertain about Dayao. But I'm so glad, juniors them all have the "dayaoness". Great great! I have to say the Dayao camp was awesome, it was all plain enjoyment and fun, had so much fun making a drama together with my groupmates. Talking about that, I have to mention about the task given to us, to make a production with acting, singing, and dancing, entitled "可爱的Bay Max" (The Cute Bay Max). So, Bay Max is already cute, the way to make it stand out is to completely think out of the box. So.....I had the idea of combining "Journey To The West" (西游记) and "Bay Max". The context was changed completely, and I was the one acting Tang Zeng, the sifu of Sun Wu Kong, that was soooooooo memorable until now after a few months, ppl are still asking me to eat vege. (吃斋, my frequent used words in the drama) With every steps taken, I gain more faith and grow together with the juniors.
The Theme for Dayao this year is "Lost徊", and my song was "那只Bee" (That Bee), I have to say I really don't fancy this song at first because it's not so much of my genre, and I actually hope that I could sing something more rockish or jazzy. I was initially assigned 2 songs, the other one was more like my genre and rockish (全方位的爱), but I had to pull out because my throat condition doesn't allow me to do so. Oh ya, I've been sick for a week before Dayao. I went to doctor twice and doc told me it's Viral Infection, and antibiotics couldn't help any, it has to depend solely on my body immunity, only will recover with nutritious food and good rest. However, it's the busiest week before Dayao, and even though my voice was cracky and bassy, it doesn't sound really bad on performing day, giving a lil special vocal to the Bee Song. I can't really feel the songas the lyrics was quite direct until I changed the whole concept to a drama, with the "Bee" personified as an annoying man/admirer. Thank you to my partner Jun Giap, backup vocalist Gabriel, Pei Ying and Stanley for cooperating with me and making this bee song a special story. Not forgetting the awesome musicians of Band C-Krets, of course. credit later, lemme finish this part first. xD
Let's see my transformation in Dayao from 1st year to 3rd year. From acting as a guy, to a sexy lady and back to a twin pony-tailed happy teen girl. Them tails that I have not ties for more than 10 years, but to make the story even more complete, I tied. I secretly hoping I could act like a goddess (even though I do not look like one), wearing white maxi gown, sitting down there, singing some jazzy melodies.....but I ended up looking like a primary school kid. Yeah,Pattern Queen ma. My goodness, couldn't believe how much it differs from my expectation. *covers my eyes*
Okayhh, back back back.
There are a few person I need to thank, first my successor Jacqueline and Alaric:
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to both of you Jacqueline and Alaric, choosing both of you to be my successor was the rightest thing i did. Both of you are really committed and talented, and most importantly both of you cooperated pretty well, good job and well done! Now dayao is finally over, you both can finally have some rest, but it's nt over yet until you find your successor xD remember to discuss about potential junior with me ya, and both of you needa make smart decisions like me . Thank you for being great leaders and being so helpful in helping the junior! I might have stressed you two a bit, pai se la ya. Also, I know there are some choices and sacrifices you need to make, it's ok, i've been in your position, i can understand, after all it's all for the good of dayao, and came out pretty well! so no worries and i believed all the juniors enjoyed themselves and had very much fun! also, make sure the juniors stay ok? the most important thg about dayao is chuan cheng need to pass those spirits and passion to the new batch and make them all fall in love with the stage. Once again thank you and I love you both!!

I have to say, I might look very sociable, but the familiarity in Dayao to me was built between my batchmates, since year 1, and when i knew that most of them are not joining, left only Yu Hong, Seong Jiann and me, I was lost a bit. It takes time to familiarize yourself in a really new environment, true there were some juniors whom i knew, but still, the familiarity disappeared. I was not very confident that it's gonna be as good as ever, just like how juniors were uncertain about Dayao. But I'm so glad, juniors them all have the "dayaoness". Great great! I have to say the Dayao camp was awesome, it was all plain enjoyment and fun, had so much fun making a drama together with my groupmates. Talking about that, I have to mention about the task given to us, to make a production with acting, singing, and dancing, entitled "可爱的Bay Max" (The Cute Bay Max). So, Bay Max is already cute, the way to make it stand out is to completely think out of the box. So.....I had the idea of combining "Journey To The West" (西游记) and "Bay Max". The context was changed completely, and I was the one acting Tang Zeng, the sifu of Sun Wu Kong, that was soooooooo memorable until now after a few months, ppl are still asking me to eat vege. (吃斋, my frequent used words in the drama) With every steps taken, I gain more faith and grow together with the juniors.
The Theme for Dayao this year is "Lost徊", and my song was "那只Bee" (That Bee), I have to say I really don't fancy this song at first because it's not so much of my genre, and I actually hope that I could sing something more rockish or jazzy. I was initially assigned 2 songs, the other one was more like my genre and rockish (全方位的爱), but I had to pull out because my throat condition doesn't allow me to do so. Oh ya, I've been sick for a week before Dayao. I went to doctor twice and doc told me it's Viral Infection, and antibiotics couldn't help any, it has to depend solely on my body immunity, only will recover with nutritious food and good rest. However, it's the busiest week before Dayao, and even though my voice was cracky and bassy, it doesn't sound really bad on performing day, giving a lil special vocal to the Bee Song. I can't really feel the songas the lyrics was quite direct until I changed the whole concept to a drama, with the "Bee" personified as an annoying man/admirer. Thank you to my partner Jun Giap, backup vocalist Gabriel, Pei Ying and Stanley for cooperating with me and making this bee song a special story. Not forgetting the awesome musicians of Band C-Krets, of course. credit later, lemme finish this part first. xD
bee vocal team.
Jun Giap, my partner, drama siallll.
Let's see my transformation in Dayao from 1st year to 3rd year. From acting as a guy, to a sexy lady and back to a twin pony-tailed happy teen girl. Them tails that I have not ties for more than 10 years, but to make the story even more complete, I tied. I secretly hoping I could act like a goddess (even though I do not look like one), wearing white maxi gown, sitting down there, singing some jazzy melodies.....but I ended up looking like a primary school kid. Yeah,
Okayhh, back back back.
There are a few person I need to thank, first my successor Jacqueline and Alaric:
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to both of you Jacqueline and Alaric, choosing both of you to be my successor was the rightest thing i did. Both of you are really committed and talented, and most importantly both of you cooperated pretty well, good job and well done! Now dayao is finally over, you both can finally have some rest, but it's nt over yet until you find your successor xD remember to discuss about potential junior with me ya, and both of you needa make smart decisions like me . Thank you for being great leaders and being so helpful in helping the junior! I might have stressed you two a bit, pai se la ya. Also, I know there are some choices and sacrifices you need to make, it's ok, i've been in your position, i can understand, after all it's all for the good of dayao, and came out pretty well! so no worries and i believed all the juniors enjoyed themselves and had very much fun! also, make sure the juniors stay ok? the most important thg about dayao is chuan cheng need to pass those spirits and passion to the new batch and make them all fall in love with the stage. Once again thank you and I love you both!!

Band C-Krets:
Thanks Chen Onn for being such an awesome band leader, really like your way of leading, being strict and fun at the same time. Thought you're a very stubborn person and is hard to communicate with, but chehhhh, yuan lai. You dropped me a bombshell when you did the trailer instavideo for dayao. OMOOOOO. 老安哥摇屁股摇最厉害,吓死我。hahahhaha
Yu Hong, no words for you, coz you never write anythg sentimental for me. HAHAHHA, aiya same la, still as awesome as ever, I like your attitude when playing drums, and thanks for being fierce that our band was never late for practice after the first day. Always like to annoy me lo, but still I really appreciate you one, always gentleman as in taking care of girls la. Aiya, only you will remember im a girl in the end, and really take are of me. Thankkiiiuuu laaaaaa. Next year must join ok, coz we have no more drummers, you needa stay til you found 3. HAHHAHAH.
Pei Ying, good job as a singer manager, and a singer! I noticed you only get crazy when you're comfortable with the environment, like after familiarize with us all. Cannot leh, need to go 38 around ppl you don't know too. They said you're like me so you must be as 38 as I am too, hahhaha. Also, don't pai seh on your showmanship, you rocked the stage that day!
Pei Ting:
I only get to know you when it's nearing dayao event day. You're good ok? More confidence and please stayyyy.
Tsu Han:
I didn't expected you to be so touched with dayao, I only realized that dayao has so impact to you after reading your post. Since you like it, make sure you stay ah...
Confident a bit neh! You look cool with smile and confidence putting up in your face :D
Yue Xiang:
very cool bassist, very geng jiang le.. must stay for dayao ok? continue rocking the stage! and improve on your photography skills please....
Kai Bin:
I see potential in you, and thanks for arranging the bee song, and bu yao blur blur liao. xD my knee still gt blue black..
Wei Chun:
Aiyo, beh tahan u oh. why u so sampat one, hahhaha? lagi 38 than a 3rd year senior. hahha anyway, i like your 38ness, pls stay and make sure the entire dayao 38 with you ok?
wahhhh, guys who can play saxophones are so cool le ♥ I know you're the band manager for Band Ehlien also, good job and jia you !!
Thanks for helping us even at the last minute. Please come back, I know you ♥ Dayao one. Come back and stay leeee
**If I left out anyone, pls let me know la ya, mentioning mostly only musicians, haha, singers, i'll pass to your HOD. xDDD
I know you're too occupied with too much events, but thanks god in the end you managed to put all the pieces together. Good job !
Zhi Yang:
I admire your musicality!Do stay in dayao and help the juniors ok? :D
Song Han:
AC-ians, continue to hiao and I know you have put in lots of effort. Sometimes, you're better than you thought you are, have some confidence ok?
Jia Quan:
I know you're quite stressed eing the vice president of Dayao and also singer at the same time, but you did really well and did not let me down. Well done !!
Sue Yi:
Dear miss president, thanks for your hardwork and i believed it's all paid off. Please please do chuan cheng properly to your successor ya!
Thanks multech for such an awesome night ! Jia you!
Thanks for your hardwork, we all can see it. It's beautiful !!
Thanks for arranging the time well, so we could have a few times of rehearsal, it is very important !
This one really need to give a big clapppp, damn lots of sponsors ! Good job,
but next time hor, the makeup and hairdo sponsor cn find better one a? xD
Bu cuo la, ji xu jia you! Can tell you guys really put in lots of effort and thanks for making the audience to have good laugh :D
Shi Hao:
Thanks for being a good band leader, there are more to learn! jia you!
Band Ehlien:
Sorry guys, not able to perform QFWDA in the end, but still thanks for your guidance and cooperation guys ! :DD
and also thanks Jian Yau for coming, hope you had a great night. I knew you have not been to a uni concert for like ages, hope it has refreshed you.
Done with crediting stuffs, back to my emo part now.
So, I had a good long sleep after Dayao and for the whole day I was happily scrolling fb to see photos that ppl tag me and juniors writing their feelings, enjoying #PDS. I was happy and bubbly until I saw my Band Leader Chen Onn posted his lengthy PDS post, I was laughing and crying at the same time. Suddenly I feel the sadness that hits me, telling me that there will be no more chance to perform in dayao anymore, that's the end. This is my last performance in Dayao ever. It feels so sad and I feel so reluctant to let go. It is something that grows together with you throughout the 3 years in uni. Next Dayao onwards, I will be sitting down the stage together with old birds and watch them juniors performing. I really need some time to get over with this.. I'm just feeling reluctant to leave the stage, I love stage, I love performing.. Ngawwww... I can do nothing, juniors pls let me know if you have any problem, I'll be willing to help, and wishing you all the best.....
we are all VOGUE models.
-- music is to express, not to impress.
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