28 May 2013

April wrap up

I've been so busy lately that i really have no time to blog. Not giving excuses, but i usually will spend some  time on blogging no matter how busy am i and these recent two months i was really helpless on that. Since i'm a perfectionist, i still can't let myself of not blogging about interesting events in these 2 months life. As a solution, i'll just do a very quick summary about the 2 months life. :p cheat!

P/S: btw, my command of English deteriorated like extremely bad due to lack of blogging. *weep*

19th April 2013
Got this from 17 magazine roadshow in our campus, all for RM6.
with lots of freebies too.

22nd April 2013
 I went Kyrgyzstan !
#aiesec #globalvillage

23rd April 2013
I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the white mice to be the tester for Loreal's new product. Lucky enough to get be offered for FREE hair colouring session. A lot of people asked why do i get free offer? I guess it's because the company itself is very particular and careful with the product, so they need to make sure it's quality guaranteed before promoting it to the public. So i went and get my hair done. It was my first hair colouring session except the previous one was D.I.Y. done. The hairdresser, Melvin said it was obviously uneven. ._. Nahhhh, so you thought D.I.Y. hair dye is good a? I didn't notice it at all, and he did my hair with three diff kinds of products, with different moisture content if i'm nt mistaken. Surprisingly, it suits me perfectly. I have to admit that at my first glance after the hair was done, i was shocked, and stunned as i never expect to see my hair in such a light colour and maybe i was so used to see my own charcoal black hair, i have illusions that i look darker, but not after that first glance la. All my other friends complimented it and i was happy with the results.

in the lab, not burger lab, but experimental lab. 
i'm a white mice what.

 spot hairdresser, Melvin. LOL

 in the process, 
who would have expect the hair colour to be light on my virgin hair.

 badly taken first pic after dying my hair, was rushing down to meet Nyak.

Something to be complimented, my hair was so gently soft after dying it. 
The Loreal's product was really moisturizing.
It was even better compared to D.I.Y. hair dye ._.

25th April 2013
It was Samsung Mob!ler's Day ! Get to meet with some friends, like this time i get to talk more with them as it was held in a mexican restaurant, Frontera in Jaya One.

 taking picture of my hair has become a daily routine, seriously in love with it. ♥ 
#girlsbeinggirls #asiangirls #hair 


Host, Mr...... and Mr. Jason :D
Memory ain't good. Sorry.
*pics stolen from Jian*

 meeting new friends ! 
*pics stolen from Jian*

"See it. Share it. Become famous." 
*pics stolen from Jian*

 samsung never fail to provide us with goodie bags. :3

 10 laptops provided for instant updates !

 menu on the chalkboard. 

 Mr. Jason Koh, the CEO of MYC.
introducing the just launched new apps, "Mob!lers".
It's a global platform where social butterfly, like me 
could blog,fb,tweet, instagram and youtube at the same time.
I seriously like the idea.
It was brilliant, and you'll earn reward for constant updates.
Reward can be in form of free meals, trips or visits. 

 He's very friendly. :)

Mob!lers fed us well.
Mexican style fried rice, tortilla wrap, fried tortilla roll and meatballs.
I remember the meatball was nice. xD

 Frontera @ Jaya One.

I blogged via the apps till 5am in the morning, just to stand a chance to win the opportunity to the grand launching of Galaxy S4 and my post just disappeared like that. Thanks to system error, i got nothing. Blahhh

not too bad la, at least i got these from them !
Kesha "Deconstructed" CD and free screen passes.
I got free screen passes form them, for twice.
Thank you !

30th April 2013
KL International Jazz Music Festival.

Guess i shall do the May wrap up in another post, or else nobody's gonna read this super-duper-yellow pages length of blog post. LOL, stay tuned.


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