27 December 2013


游子在外漂浮了4个月,终于回到家了。即便短短的这几天都没有在家做到些什么温习,to-do-list只增无减,但仍然是满足的。回到家里,睡醒就吃,吃饱就睡,完全是个与世隔绝的大懒虫。平时连休息都没有时间,即使是假日或周末,都在工作,都在忙永远都忙不完的学生活动。从新年到现在,一整年,在家呆着的时间还少于一个月,甚至是sem break,我都在intern, training, camp。。说真的,我好像常年都在忙碌的状态,所谓休息就是去逛个街,好久都没有睡到自然醒了。最近忙校园选举,真的身体身心的波动都很大,大喜大落后我并没有回到家,没有家人的依偎,只是继续的忙工作和课业。虽说,哥哥姐姐都在吉隆坡,但毕竟回到家的感觉,还是不一样的。这几天,吃着妈妈煮的菜,睡着温暖的床,才总算真的有休息了。虽然有很努力想要早起,但每一天都会自动关掉闹钟然后继续睡,我想也是身体太久没休息了吧。每天睡到自然醒,把妈妈的每一道菜吃个清光,看着astro的连续剧,让爸爸帮这个体弱的女儿作“原子点”,把该烦的都丢弃一旁不顾,反正就是在家晃来晃去,吃饱了就继续闹着妈妈多弄些甜品,硬嚷着说饿,然后就看着妈妈傻笑,让妈妈摸摸头亲一下。虽然很累,却心甘情愿的为孩子忙。妈妈嘴里一直说,“以后有放假就要多回来。”我才发现,我真的累了,真的想家了。

os: “加油吧!”

25 December 2013

helpless blog wtfbbq

Couldn't fall asleep in the midnight, thanks to the determined father on trying to make a cup of good luwak coffee. ._.
It is Christmas today, which tells me enough that this year is coming to an end too. I tried to recall back what have i done in this year, and what have i blogged about. It seems quite empty especially since the starting of the new sem. I used to have lots of feelings and thinking to be jotted down, but i kept procrastinating. Things and workloads that will never come to an end, kept my to-blog-stories-list piling up high, and slowly i forgot what i wanted to write about. I felt so regretful and upset that my feelings and emotions at that moments were not being jotted down, i lost a piece of the puzzle of my emotions. Again, as i've promised to myself, i need to blog more often, and yt i failed to do so AGAIN. Not wanting to let the blog die, but i'm like so helpless to watch it die. And it feels so extremely bad to watch all my supposed-to-have-blogged-sincere-words gone.

I could only SIGH now.

doing some last possible resuscitation to the bloggie.
poor blog.