Hmm, gonna blog about it starting from the beginning till the end, so if you're not patient enough to read, just scroll through the pictures ok? It's gonna be long, i warn you first, i'm recording my feeling from the first till the end. :p
In case if you don't know, i was being selected as the Singer Head. I've/ We've been preparing for dayao like around 2 sem? A row of meetings, singers audition, mini concert, song selection, dayao camp, workshop, singer selection round 2, singer audition, band practice, singer test all the way until dayao. It's really tiring, no joke, damn stressful, i'm a person who is used to live under stress, ( yes, i am, i have a mutual relationship with stress, we benefit each other. zzz. ) *not being sarcastic seriously* but this time seriously no joke, but it also happens because i got all things crashing together. True la, my bad, nobody asked me to be such a kepochi and join so many stuffs. :(((
So all the burdens are on my shoulder since the day i agreed to accept this post, and it's worse because all of us wanted to make it back to the DTC stage, after being sickly traumatized by PDS last year. Ok, so all of us hold on this and never let it go even we faced so many hardships, from all aspects, management, skills, and relationships. I'm sorry that i'm a very stubborn person and i believed that i have given you all quite a hard time, but trust me, it wasn't done on purpose, i have my own reasons being stubborn. D: and i really wanna thank Yaslyn and Yu Hong for bearing with my bad temper, and though we had some quarrels but at last we were together and fight through the way. Thank you seniors esp Lek Meng, Chun Chyn, and Mi Zheng for always being supportive, giving me proper suggestions and advices, and lastly being brother enough to be my emotional trash bin. Thank you for spending time listening to my crap, i really need somewhere to release all my tension.
Talking about PDS, fyi, it means Post-Dayao Syndrome. in case if you got idea what it is.
Seeing juniors still suffering from PDS, their passion and sense of belonging really touched me. I really treasure the moments spent with them; crazy supper, and getting out of the car and shake the butts at the traffic light in the middle of the road? Yes, we did this. xD "Once an Ark-Cloverian, forever an Ark-Cloverian." Heard that Yaslyn named this band after the Noah's Ark, she prayed that she's capable enough to hold them tgt, and yes, Yaslyn, you did that. It was a very amazing band. Juniors are all crazy and mentally attached to the band, and the friendship that is rooted among us shall never fade.
Ok, pichas time ! before i continue mumbling, :p
ze girls.
sapo Xin Yi ♥
Ark-Cloverians ! ♥ hiao enough, and Andrew yoru butt very hiao hor.
ze Chinese Traditional Dance gang ♥; Kuang Horng, me, Joan, and Jacky.
Erm, sorry Zhi Yang, i got no idea why your hair is like that xD
He, the perfect-pitcher. D;
with Jia Quan, stay sweeetttt with Jac. ♥ oh no, it's gonna go viral. hahhaha
*i look petite here, i slimmed own a lot, oops. :p
They said junior band ONLY. aiya, but who cares ? i'm junior what. xD
I was just too hungry at the backstage.
♥ that moment.
28th PBCUM gang ! Thanks for coming to support, finally, it's a complete one. :)
with Foong Wah ♥ Thank you for helping me with my hairdo at the last min. :')
Jillian, super cool drummer !
with le girls ! ♥
from the left: Zi Qi, Yaslyn, Yao Zhi, me, Kai Shin, Mei Zi, Violette, Khe Sin, and Jillian.
♥ my roomie ! Thank you Kimberly for everything :) ♥♥♥
with Sunday Girls, i just don't know why Soh Chun Chyn wanna photobomb.
soh dek ma????? xD
with Cheng Hooi, le dayao president. fuiyooohhhh
muh kai pa, Kuang Horng la.
Raee !!! always the crazy one, bluffed me that he was a Chi-Thai mix for 2 years. zzz
Yaslyn, the music director a.k.a. the ironic girl. ♥
oh with Dancer head, Yern Yee, good job, the dance moves were cool ! can i be a dancer next year ? :p
my ootd ! ♥ loving the Maroon Red Bustier dress so much, just bought it 2 days before dayao.
with Jared, partner of the day. Glad that i had a chance to duet with you. and stay sweeeet with your girl !♥
with muh ex-bandmate ! Band Y ! with medic seniors, who went to Klang and cant join us this year :((
from left: Sher Lin, Leong Hooi, Joan, me, Xin Ni, Sue Sien, Moh Theng, Shun Herng.
with Karen ! the sar-cas-tic-ma-ian ! ♥
Caryn, the sar-cas-tic-ma-ian ! ♥
with Jason, my "lao-sai" mate. ( pronounce it in Indon-slang cantonese, hahah )
with Chu Ting, cute emcee.
with Jovian. eh macam ok worh this pic. xD
with my brother, Soh Chun Chyn ! ♥ He's gonna kill me for the love, hahah. ok, i got nothing with him.
anybody who is interested in him cn get his number from me. Damn yeng le. xDDD
can't get enough of Ark Clover ahhhhh.

our cover photo. Teehee. ♥♥
from the left: Luke, Pei Ling, Andrew( carrot milk babies ), Moh Theng, me, Hui San, Lek Meng, Jun Giap, Yaslyn, Song Han, Shi Hao, Jared, Mark Koh, Ke Sin( november babies ), Rou Jing and Ding Hang.
Also thanks to Dayao, i had the chance to do more live band performance and each of the opportunity gained me precious experience. I can see myself growing through each performing experience and of course through dayao. I'm a tougher and a stronger person now, all the tears have been shed worth it. Thank you everyone who came and supported me. I really appreciate your effort. :) and not forgeting to thank the crews behind the scene, multech and scenography dept have done very good job ! and thank you to Risyn ,Michelle and Kenny for making sure the programme flow runs smooth, Jinq Wen and Chun Wei for getting so many sponsors and thank you Yin Han for being so efficient at administrating, glad that i have known all of you. Sorry that could not write down your name one by one, but you know i thank you deep down from the heart. :)
Juniors, jia you for dayao 2015!
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