28 October 2012

Home coming #2

LOLLLLL. after 2 weeks i'm home again. Actually, i didn't plan to go home that often. But but but, i can explain this. Last time i went back to take all my pre-U notes which i need as reference while studying and this time we have 4 days holiday in a row as in conjuction with Hari Raya Haji. so what am i gonna do in my room in these few days ? Aiyo, so ended up having part 2 of home coming lo. The best part is, i went back together with Nyak Hong, and we both missed the buss coz we stoppped by at KL sentral and were too into telling ghost storries in UM.
so, u see :

only took a few photos during Kai Ping's birthday celebration, he's my best-to-bully-buddy during form 6 time. *awww, nostalgic*

 with Kai Ping at TC, McDonalds. * i'm still holding that fries, wth*

 with Eevonne at Teatime

Didn't take much pictures, coz the lighting there sucks. zzz.

Now, i have time to watch movies finally. Watched #sinister and #paranormalactivity4 . Yep, both horror movies. But if you want me to rate it, as below.

My advice, don't watch any. Well sinister is mucchhhh better compared to paranormal activity. Don't watch it, if you're true horror movie lover, you find it sucks. I felt my 11 bucks wasted man, at all.
Still, not as good as expected. Thai horror movie is still the best.

P/S: gotta off faster. i'm writing this post in a real midnight, alone in the room. I scared if it haunts me when im sleeping. hahha, bye. See ya !

2.5 stars out of 5 stars

3 out of 5 stars

21 October 2012


Went UPM today to watch the Chinese debate competition between UM and UTAR. it was such an eye-opening event, i was keen on chinese debate ever since i join the debate class. I'm no good at debating and have no single experience before. But this has really instilled some passion in me to get along further with debating. and of course, we won. xD

ahem, no pictures were taken i guess, haha, pai se ma, all seniors, not so close with them also..

Just updating myself a lil bit here, it's almost 2 months i've been here and i guess i'm well suited to everything here. i mean everything including my roomie, we both have good communication and has already suited to each other. I sleep early, she sleeps late. I wake up early, she wakes up late. But, still we managed to compromise and tolerate.

Welcome dear roomie :)

15 October 2012

Return of chuchu ♥

HEY peeps !!
Finally imma back to the arms of my kingdom, Kuantan.♥
#homehasthebestthgs #homecookdishes #mygirls 
12th October, finally. Met up with my girls and had some really nice talk to them. At our fav hang out place, The Dessert House. #mysocalledsecondhome I really like spending time with them, they just like for who i am. I don't have to pretend or hide anything from them, i'm just me.

some of the crazy thgs we did :DD

 we have 1 malaysia here. -.-

 sifu Kong !!

  sweet group pics ♥

♥ you girls soooooo muchhh 

miss them so much after not seeing each other for 2 months. 

They made me feel hommeeee.
it's where i'm belong to. *winks*

i'm lazy to write another post about the other outing with my froggie and panda during the next day. so gonna end it with a pic. heheheh

nomming my fav, strawberry cheese cake from lilawadi.
*i'll talk more about lilawadi when next time, haha.very nice place* 

That's it a quick update about my first return, kbyethx.