29 August 2014


今天跟闺蜜去喝了杯咖啡,看了部电影,吃了个晚餐再到海边去散步;整整几个小时当然有说不完的话。我们习惯以华语沟通,我的第一语言理所当然的是我的母语。但奇怪的是,一整天下来,总是不能够正确地把字眼给想出来,也无法正确的运用我认识的词汇甚至是成语去表达我的感受。当时我在想,到底是这几天都一个人呆着,没人和我说话,所以话语变得不通畅还是我最拿手的语言不再是我的优点?放假之前,我特意带了几本书回来,希望可以在假期里阅读完毕。但假期快结束了,书却只读了一本,就是吴若权的《我在听你说》。这是一本教人如何聆听与倾听别人,同时透过虚心的态度去让自己进步。我觉得这本书很有趣,平时的我们总是只顾自个儿说,也不去在乎到底对方要说的是什么。我看了也有很多的想法,也因为经历了很多的事让我渐渐开始少说,多听。但,一天无意间看到一个朋友的部落格,她说“我觉得一个女生一定要培养爱看书的好习惯,因为它可以让我们增加知识。。 ”看到这一句,我觉得挺惭愧的,因为我不是个爱看书的人。基本上除了平时的课本和作业,额外的书大概一年不超过5本书。我想过要多做、多听、少说,却没想过要多看。相比许多同年龄的朋友,我自认是思想比较成熟的,但我的语言魅力与许多的时事新闻却远远不及。我喜欢有个清闲的周末,坐在咖啡厅的角落,喝着热热的马奇朵,慢慢的去看我的书;看书的环境气氛对我来说很重要。但在咖啡座看不完的书往往3个月后,它还是没被翻过一夜。我发觉我好像除了上次看“吸血鬼”系列会上瘾之外,我对书本好像都没有什么坚持,都不会像别人一样要有赶快看完的冲动。我觉得这一点是我必须检讨的,就当作新学期许下的第一个期许吧!我要从这点努力的装备自己,给自己加油!

06 August 2014

Mface酷视台 ♥


托校园主播的福,我有机会参与网络电台mface的住持行列。说真的,一开始我并不怎么有信心这个网络电台主持会是我想参与的一块,毕竟以事实来说,90%以上的主持人都是美眉台。不想对她们有太多的批评,但美眉主持人从来不是我要走的路线。*我也没有这样的外表实力吧*另外,加上我这个学期的时间表真的有够惨;最早的课是9am, 最迟的课到7pm,平时放学时间普遍维持在5pm, 也非常的忙于筹备活动,真的无暇分身。所以,我比其他的同事差不多迟了2个月才加入主持,算是在酷视台资历最浅的主持人吧!


感觉非常厚脸皮,但没办法嘛,开了专业没人like是很“下衰”的事,所以还有麻烦大家帮帮忙。感谢网民,熏衣草帮我invite了这么多like,感谢!也因为开了这个专业,有些朋友又留意到我又在主持网络电台的工作,所以还是有朋友会准时收看我的节目,并在事后给予我很多的意见。真的是太谢谢你们! 我很愿意虚心受教,在工作后有人愿意花时间给你批评和意见时非常的可贵的。

我的节目名称为<朵朵马奇多之向左走·向右走>,我们称自己为NJ (Network Jockey),大家也习惯称我为“敏敏”而家俊为“姐姐”或“整容失败的陈奕讯”。大家好坏,其实家俊很帅咧。*我是收了他的赞美费没错*节目中,我们常常会和大家聊“世界5大”还有“聊男聊女”。这份主持工作不容易,因为是现场视频直播,所以必须言行谨慎。加入酷视台后发现,我们的频道果真和其他美眉台不一样,个个卧虎藏龙。NJ都有很好的主持功力,是我低估了酷视台要走的路线。我觉得我可以体验与学习到不一样的。













#ootd !




04 August 2014

some little things about me ♥ #part1

Hey yo peeps ! hmm, i'm always motivated to write when i'm homed, esp on Sunday nights. My Sunday nights are like your Friday nights and vice versa my Fridays nights are like your Sunday nights, totally in the other way round, because i'm only working on weekends !! Hoho, my weekdays are usually spent with exercises, groceries shopping with mum and lots of bakery trial and error. I have a sweet tooth and i'm a baker, i like to modify recipes and use my own way to bake, so sometimes *ahem* "accidents do happen", *long sighhhhhhhh* that's is why you don't usually see my "end up to be shitty cake" in my instagram < follow me at @chuchucism >, i don't post "shits". Hahahah. Wait, wait, back to the topic, i'm supposed to write this last night but i'm so exhausted and i ended up to hit the sack though insomnia striked again, darn!!

Today, i'm writing this to share some little weird things/ OCD (Obsessive Compulsory Disorder) of me,so that you could understand me better. Haha, it's weird, it's private, no many knows about it, because i seldom talks about it, but blogging inspiration just hit occasionally and randomly.

1. I'm a manual car driver.
Hell yeah, i drive manuals in hometown and autos in KL during work. I love manuals, i love it when i shift the gear stick between the gearbox, and drift through the quiet city. *just saying, imma a safe driverand i admire girls who have good driving skills. And i think i'm one of, so i often address myself as “关丹第一女车神”, in English, the "Number 1 Goddess Driver of Kuantan". *thick face mode on, but who cares? hahahah*

2. Shoes
I'm a person who is very particular about shoes, you don't always see me buying shoes, because i'm very very picky over shoes. I won't/ never tolerate to buy any middle-ranged price shoes without it being exactly my cup of tea, unless it's so cheap and i only have a pair of slippers with me. And, i'm never a flip-flop person, i DON'T wear slippers out, never, unless i go out for a quick dinner or i'm really sick. I really cannot understand when peoples wear flipflops with dress... To me, dress should be matched with heels, wedges, flats or sneakers but not flip flops. It feels exactly the same like my kind of OCD. Ohhhhh

*This pair of CarloRino loafers was one of my fav,
i bought the grey covered shoes coz i was really 
broke and needed a pair of covered shoes badly.

3. OCD of ironing
I have OCD of ironing, in case you don't know what it is, 熨烫强迫症. I iron all my clothes before wearing them since form 6 (when i started to iron all my clothes). For once in my uni year 1, i was so busy with exams, that i never iron the clothes and wore it out, i felt as if i'm naked, kept pulling my shirts and feeling uncomfortable. I spend hours every 2-3 weeks to iron them all. But i got very frustrated because i kinda lack of time to iron them, so i prefer to buy non-wrinkled materials nowadays. :3
*i posted a few photos of clothes i need to iron in my instagram before*

4. Temperament
I have the worst temperament after wake up/morning out of all day, unless i have really deep and sufficient sleep. Ok, so if you ever ruin my mood in the morning, it affects me for whole day. *DONT TRY TO STEP ON MY TAIL*

5. Ailurophobia
I have Ailurophobia, phobia of cats. I shiver whenever i look/stare at the cats, and when their tails touch my leg, i feel cold in the spine. This was developed since i was form 3. That time i was a brass band member *fyi, imma a trumpeter*, i have to stay back for practice because we were having some kind of performance. We were all having lunch in canteen and that time a few Malay uncles and aunties love to keep cats, they just like to feed them, that was why they were a lot of cats in the canteen. One of it has some skin disease, injured and inflamed wounds, and lice on the body. When it suddenly appears next to my feet, I was screamed my lungs out. And since then, I can only stand with 2D cats, but not the 3D ones, even if it's very very cute. Worst, my bloody neighbour fed the stray cats without giving them proper hygienic care and shelter, thus, they came to my house and sleep on the clean floor for a 5 star spa service after having eal at next door. Idk whether is the food not clean or what, stupid cats would puke in my house. DAMNNNN Sometimes i even develop a little bit of hatred about it.

ok, i have to admit, it's really cute...in 2D.

alright, that's all for today,
and see you soon!

do follow me on instagram and blog for more updates :3