08 December 2012

1st song ever ♥ - Sunny Angel

Guess what i'm going to post about today ?
teehee, it's about a song i wrote before, just around mid-October. Actually i wrote it to join a competition which is held by Yao Lan Shou ( you'll know what it's about if you follow my post before this). click the link if you still have no idea about it.
It's called the Xiao Chuang Competition 校园华语歌曲创作比赛。Well,i didn't managed to squeeze in as the Top 10 participant which will perform on stage and tell everyone about their inspiration for the written song. :'( #sadcase

Since i failed, i'm gonna share with you guys my song here.
So, why do i write this song? And what's my inspiration ?

Here,i attached with a video clip and the lyrics.
I'll try my best to translate them to English, hope it'll be easier for you.

i was really really tired when doing this cover. i was awake for 32 hours. ciao. Because of toothache la.

阳光天使 Sunny Angel

当阳光落在你的身上  你看来就像是个天使
When sunlight falls on you, you look just like an angel
你的笑  亲切的  温暖了我心房
Your smile, sincerely warm my heart
种下友情  从此不孤单
That's when our friendship starts

当阳光落在你的身上  你看来就像是个天使
When sunlight falls on you, you look just like an angel 
你的话  温暖的  把我梦想重燃
Your words, light up my dreams again
To provide me with power to move on

你说  这世上无难事 只是怕你不勇敢
You said there's nothing impossible, what's restraining you is cowardness
任何的困难  都可以迎刃而解 只要你不放弃
Every hardship can be solved, if, you don't give up
梦想 是最珍贵的礼物  别让人把它夺走
Dream is the most precious gift, don't let it be taken away
请相信 有一天 你会实现你的梦想
Do believe, your dreams will come true one day
拥抱梦想  展翅飞翔  去探险世界
Embrace your dreams, and fly with your wings to explore the world


当阳光落在你的身上  你看来就像是个天使
When sunlight falls on you, you look just like an angel 
谢谢你 走进了 我的生命乐章
Thank you for being a chapter in my life
To let me have beautiful times
To let my soul be companied
谢谢你我的灵魂  力量
Thank you my soulmate

Actually, this song was written as a token of appreciation to all my friends who supported me when i'm down. We face a lot of ups and downs in life, acquaintances would share your happiness but not your tears. Only friends who stayed by your side would wipe away your tears and tell you to move on. I feel really grateful of having these friends staying beside me and always be there for me. Anytime, anywhere. And i wanted to tell them i truly appreciate them and treasure our friendship, and to thank them. Lastly, i really hope these friendships could last for eternal. If not for them, i will not be blogging here already, i would probably a very pessimistic person. They taught me to be strong. Thanks.


  1. Wow chuchu, I can't even sing! yet you can even come up with an own song!!! RESPECT!

  2. hey hamdan, haha. thank you for that. teehee, but i still got a lot to improve and learn with song writing. hope i can produce more quality songs in the future :)
