30 July 2013

The Dictator 观后感。独裁者?民主?

好久都没写blog了,今天会上来写是因为昨天到DEMA House看了一部电影 
"The Dictator" (独裁者)。电影是一部极点喜剧,但中间也参差了不少政治玩笑,并用轻松搞笑的方式带出了独裁者的愚昧。过后我们还有电影分享会,大家都交流了看过这部戏后的一些观后感和意见,我的反应并不快,不能即时完全消化电影中的内涵,让我在回家路上一直在想。




社会本身就是一个金字塔,每个人在想往上爬中其实就已经产生了阶级之分的观念。某某人想着:我永远不要回到那穷人的生活,不要永远吃不饱,一定要变更好。这个时候,你可能就会间接对这身边也许收入较低的人有着恐惧与隔膜,因为你觉得你并不属于这阶层。社会阶级之分又会带来什么样的后果?很简单,穷人越来越穷,有钱人越来越有钱。在课文上我们叫widening of the gap of income distribution. 我不知道华语怎么叫,反正是读经济时读到的,待该就是收入差距的扩大。用钱生钱永远比空手赚钱来得容易。而人总有私心,自己辛辛苦苦的血汗钱为什么要分给你?到最后世界的财富大部分会在上流社会、百万、亿万富翁的手里,在经济循环中滚动的钱越来越少,让货币不断上涨,直接导致通货膨胀,低收入群就会越来越辛苦,生活面临困难。当饥荒泛滥,怨声四起,忍无可忍时就会是人民起义的时候,战争引发之际。





说到底,民主就是人民自主权,人民知道并发挥自己身为投票者的权利The government is not the boss, the ruling party is not the boss, people are the real boss. 我在想,是不是每推翻了一次独裁者,发生战争后就换来真正的民主;是不是每发生政坛更变的时候,开始那几年稳了,人民也松懈了,放下心堤,而接下来安稳的十几年让人民又忘了自己的权利,忘了自己权利的重要性。人民又躲在自己的温室甚至慢慢躲在政府所给的假象温室下生存。慢慢发现了温室里都没有食物了,才惊觉自己被蒙了,然后继续循环。如果人民总是忘记自己的权利,只会一直重蹈覆辙。



lawan tetap lawan !


20 July 2013

Famine 30

I participated in Famine 30 countdown camp for the very first time last Saturday and Sunday. I actually wanted to participate in other camp than the UM D.I.Y. camp, but then i was so busy that i have no time to look for other camp so i just simply join the UM ones, blah, i know it sounds sarcastic, but but but, it turned out to be a good one. Okayyy, serious, i'm sincere. Though there were not much activities, but it was quite meaningful. Lacking of the quantity, but not the quality. Each person having a disability in challenge 1 is indeed not easy to complete all the task, and challenge 2 which i thought it will be a super-boring task, surprised me. I am very glad to have super friendly + hyperactive teammates which made the entire camp a fun one. I guess we're the noisiest group of all, but of course we get to have the best fun. In Challenge 2, we laughed the hardest, serious, we popped out questions like "WV 没有做东西?WV教你吃有机泥土?WV教你怎样有营养的吃泥土?". It was actually a task to find out information from the characters about their personal details, family background, problems they're facing and what World Vision has done to help them, with time limit. Only 1.5 mins time allocation for each person in each session, of course we managed to finish the task, cause we're like shouting and throwing the questions at them instead of asking," erm, hi halo, how can i help u, blah blah blah.."

The next day, we reached Stadium Bukit Jalil around 8.45am, and during schooltimes i'm still sleeping at this hour. I woke up so early just to watch a concert, to get nice place ma. But it's worth it la, a free concert with so many celebrities, what do you expect, right? It was all a great concert, having the second concert, and it's still a free ones. Lee Sinje, Crystal Lee ( a very charming future star/star-in-making), T4C ( an uncle band, but having powerful orchestra like voice) , KeQing, Kit, Athena, and others i don't really remember and the last one Christine Fan !!! I like all her songs, once was very crazy about her, her voice always gives a soft touch to the song which is able to heal a wounded heart, sooo full of Love ! and she sang 3 songs instead of 1. Love you !!!

I actually teared a few times watching the videos played in the concert, it reminds me how lucky am i. How heavenly my life is compared to the unfortunate kids. I have parents who love me, i get to go to school, get to join so many activities and was never in hunger. To be honest, 30 hours of famine ain't easy, and especially me, i've promised to fast for 35 hours as an extra appreciation for donating to world vision. So i was still fasting when they're eating after breaking 30 hours. And after i've fasted for 32.5 hours, i couldn't stand the hunger anymore, dizziness attacked. So i broke the promise, i'm very sorry about that but my body is really giving me its warning already. I stuffed in some bread and had a cup of hot milo, and only start eating a proper meal after another 2.5 hours. I guess i did my best though i failed, partially. 

What have i learned actually? I couldn't tell exactly what have i learnt but i can feel myself being more compassionate towards the unfortunate, i'm slowly becoming a better person, who appreciates and is grateful of what she has.
If there is a chance, i will join Famine 30 again definitely.

kthxbai, end this post with some photos taken :)

 whee, imma hunger fighter !

 group 10 a.k.a Jagung Jagung First !

 feeling good or sad?

My Challenge 1 family, James Bond Bang Bang Bang !
from the left: lost-a-hand papa, dumb sister, kwashiorkor me, crippled mama, and blinded brother.

Jagung pattern again.
from the left: Shwu Qi, me, Andrew, Eve, Sin Le, Da Bao, Cheng Hui, 
Adrian, and team leader, Siew Mai 

 Group J,also group 10.

 kwashiorkor or underage pregnancy ?


12 July 2013

Blame the rapists, not the victims.

Ok, i can't hold myself of not giving any opinion about this statement which i think is very wrong. I have to admit i am very emotional at the moment i saw this and some guys even agree with it. So, let's hear what i'm gonna say, i might sound harsh, but you won't feel it unless you're a woman.

No, seriously i can't agree with this which stated :
" Wearing shorts in public is not polite, and the government should limit the women's attire." 

I saw my friend shared about it on facebook, and his friend, which is a guy, actually agree to this statement, and sorry that i impolitely responded to his comment though i do not him. But please, think from a girls' perspective. Be fair, guys will never be the one who bear the consequences at the end. Will guys got raped? No, even so, i think they'll call the so-called girls who raped them sexy as hell or hot chicks. Will guys have phobia towards socializing and sex life after being raped? No. Will guys get pregnant after being raped? No, but those girls who raped them might get. Females will be the one at the losing end, and now you're blaming us for putting ourselves in fire?
like LOL??

And now, it's YOU GUYS who can't hold your sexual desire, and you're the one who harm the woman, who rip their clothes off and leave them a scar for life. You're blaming us for that? You're saying that we induce the rape cases to happen?
If you rape because her clothing is provoking,
then can i hit your face because your look disgusts me?

why blame the victims instead of those who committed crime?
have some senses !
Try to put yourself in the shoes; imagine how people nastily violates your dignity, denies your rights and climb on you without you allowing it. You might not be able to imagine that kind of pain, but what if she's pregnant after being raped? That will be another tragedy, and her life would be.

So, my point of view here is not just to scold blindly just because you put the blame on the females' clothing but the government should figure out a proper education. An education system that teaches the people to respect other's rights and desire. If you want it, then earn it, don't force it. And that one guy who agrees it mention about the foreigners problem which they are most of the nation who made up the culprits, I would suggest them to buy the service instead. I'm not against prostitution to be honest though it's morally wrong, if you can't solve it by educating, solve it by this. And I'm not denying that women should be responsible of their own safety; girls should avoid alone outing and dark alleys, always be alert with your surrounding, have a pepper spray and umbrella with you all the time, and always look around when you're walking alone. I once read a post from my friend not long ago, which I think it's true. Ladies have gradually lost their defensing power as they are now all having privileges to "ladies coach", "ladies night"... It somehow reduce the alertness   of the people. :/ I mean instead, ladies should maybe take up martial arts? to protect themselves instead of being protected, take the responsibility on taking care and protecting of yourself.

Conclusion: Ladies, be responsible on your own safety and government please settle the problem from the culprits side and not the victim side. ._.

10 July 2013

first year sem 2

Finally i decided to wrap up bout my sem2  life in my first year. (though i'm super not in the mood, like super?) FYI, i'm now working as an intern at DAP Bukit Bintang, for office hours, 9am-5pm. It takes me at least 45 mins to travel, so who will have that kind of mood to write after that hectic 9 hours? After i 've abandoned it for so long, i decided to pick up that writing habit again coz no one date me tonight. DARN. wtfbbq

Okay, seems i'm not in such a mood, i'll make it real short i promise, more pictures ok? :D
*official excuses, evil grin NGEH NGEH NGEH*

I can't really recall them all coz my sem 2 was over-loaded, it's out of my capacity of memory. D:
I know it sound sarcastic, well maybe to some. Whatever.
(nahh, please don't hate me, i'm like dat because  i'm not in the mood ok)

1. MKTH 2013

 First dance performance with ze dance family. :D

 my team, Publicity, me a.k.a the Publicity Head, and btw the biceps is faked. haha

 singer performer at MKTH at the mean time.


china doll *wink*
Chinese traditional dance competition, second place in FESENI. lalallala~

 Choir competition, as soprano DDD:


 singer, acting as a gentleman. The ' OOXX' song.

 formal emcee, speaking BM.

 singer, singing theme song. < There's A Way>

 i even act as a tree....zzz.

 4. Debate Camp

at Selesa Hillhomes.
5. Random outings

 ice-cream and Chicken for RM1 day with band YYYYY.

 thanks Leong Hooi dailou for driving us all the way to Klang for fried porridge.

Kajang supper at 21st Century Cafe.

the craziest i ever did: 
Go to Genting at 3am morning, right after done having supper at Kajang. -.- 
imagine the distance !!

awesome band practice !

am finally burgerlabbed. :D
'markets' with Kim at Jaya One
6. Kiwi & CC Reunion dinner 
 Korean food at Oiso, Bangsar The Sphere

CC 10th anniversary dinner, with kiwians.

7. MAG 2013, at Dorsett Grand Subang

super like this dress, wearing my mum's bridal gown on mother's day. 
epicly meaningful :)

8. Dance Reunion dinner

at Doraku, KL Life Centre

 me as manager for dance team.


 elected as the new External Vice President :) with Eric

 the old batch, 27th.

10. Democratic contribution and rallies

#112 with Suellen :)

#622 it's us again ! :D

 Night before election in Bentong

so.... i wonder where's my photo with YB Chow. Haha, ok went to Bentong for him, and i didn't even take a pic with him. epic failllll

 accidentally met Superman !!! Hew Kuan Yau at #622 rally

 at SPR, 10th of May, to pass up the memorandum against the result of PRU 13.

#508 at Stadium Kelana Jaya.

#524, picture-less. hahhaha.

11. Visits and Leaders' Summit
 UKM Tune Out. :) 509

 at Akademi Kepimpinan Pengajian Tinggi ( AKEPT ) 

 Labu, Negeri Sembilan

Zong Xiang Qing Leaders Summit

well not bad, food is great and accomodation is awesome. and at least get to know comrades from other uni, and get to see the politicians and have a dialogue session with them.
but seriously, no matter who you are, respect is the key.

12. Career path 
went audition for 8tv 校园主播培训应甄选活动
hopefully i'm selected, *fingers crossed*

and i act went for 988 cruiser interview too, and currently still under training, 
hopefully i can pass faster :/

Alright that's all about my sem 2 life, the best part in my first year. Non-stop activities and growing mature and better. I love sem2 life, i love how i have enjoyed life. I wrapped it up a bit simple as some i have already blogged about it previously and i'm currently handicapped with poor writing,  please give me some time, i promise i'll do better. It takes time to write a really good post. :/

Resolution: Next sem i'll do better and improve more :)