Finally, it's my turn to say, " i'm free, from exam".
Finally, it's the day to start my wonderful sem break.
Finally, i can have enough sleep.
Finally, i don't have to stay up late to study.
Finally, i don't have to wake up early in the morning.
Finally, i can regain my freedom.
At least, for this very one month sem break.
I've got not much comments on the papers i've done, just hoping it would not be that bad, i hope i can gt my first dean list laaaaaa. I know it 's hard. :(
Anyway, just realized it's the end of my first semester already. Can't believe it, time really flies. Just 4 freaking busy months, and my first semester of tertiary education just. ended. like. that. Flashing back, i still i remember i feel so happy and jealous to see my seniors graduated in last September, and i just can't wait for that day. I feel like i wanna graduate once i finish my first year * idk why i have this kind of thinking -.- * i guess i was too stressed and wanted to end everything fast. HAHAHHAHA, how silly. Then people will tell me, relax girl, soon will be yours. And see? first sem just ended like this. At this moment, i feel the time is going way too fast.
I wanna hold it tight, but it just slipped out of my arms.
I wanna grab it, but i can't see it.
I wanna watch it fly, but it's out of my sight.
I wanna colour it, and i did.
BWAHAHAHAHHA, what crap was i talking? HAHHAHAH, sorry i'm outta control, kinda overexcited for finishing my first sem and feeling a bit emotional for finishing it so fast. ( Excuses ! ) #failromance #time #poem #macamsentimental
Just a few pictures of me and my coursemates to see how have we been through the first sem, not gonna review the whole year 2012 again, no worries. :D
first pic with my very first known coursemate through facebook, Shin Hui. ♥
what face is that ? -_-
super yeng pic. TEEHEE. all of us worn formal for course photography session :D
the 4 of us ! Kar Yee on the left, Shin Hui and Kai Jun on my right ♥
The best class ever, Presentation Skills at the Workplace. With super awesome lecturer, Pn. Ainun Rozana and the classmates. Must talk about this class a bit, coz it's way beyond awesome. I have to admit i'm that kind who can't really speak fluent English, and tend to be dumb when fluent english speakers or so-called 'bananas' are around me. I'm always lack of confidence when it comes to english speaking, i know i gotta improve on it and so i took this class. But lucky enough, i got to join this class. And i could say, i learn the most in this class, I can now fairly speak fluently although i still have a lot of grammatical errors, but i consider it as a huge improvement of myself. ♥ *applause please* for the fantastic lecturer and classmates.
secretly sneaked into the 'prohibited' air-conditioned lecture hall.
They're all Singaporeans !
the girls gang :D
crazy thing i did to my lecturer, Encil Kamal Sohaimi. It was a pop quiz, on my birthday. #madepic
hangout !
first hangout with Shin Hui in Mid Valley, spending our dinner in Manhattan Fish Market.
favourite yoghurt moments ! ♥ with Kai Jun a.k.a. Kacaukali Queen

Christmas decos at Paradigm Mall. Went tgt with Shin Hui and Kai Jun for must-not-missed Uniqlo Opening Sales. :DD
all 'wet chicken moments'. Shin Hui and i always went to Mahsa College for lunch and it will rain when we head back to UM. always. *sigh*
my hair styling tutorial during APK classes. Victims are always Kar Yee and Kai Jun. :D
*they're all very happy ok*
At last, Lee Ling kena also. what to do? i chopped off my long hair already marhh. Btw, Lee Ling is my very responsible group leader for the APK ( Basic of Enterpreneurship Culture ) project. We put in a lot of effort for our group's idea. Creation and Inovation, very much of our effort. Very happy to work with ya ! ♥
anthropologists !
Great time spent with coursemates, hope that next sem will be a better sem. and See you guys soon ! :)
Final exam's down, what's next ?
- MKTH camp
- FESENI camp ( chinese traditional dance )
- FESENI camp ( choir )
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