A biggggg Hi first before i start writing about today's topic. Blog's been abandoned for over a month's time as i'm having my final exam for this semester. *can't believe this semester gonna end soon, time flies* Today i've just done 5th paper and next/last paper will be on 18th jan, i have PPLLLEEENNNTTTTYYYYYYY of time, so update a bit first.
Chose the topic of the day: lol, LOL or HAHAHAHAHA?
why this topic? because i observed that for the last whole year people has been abusing "lol". Firstly it wasn't so widely use when i was in form 6. Then people start understanding the meaning of "lol" and start using it. Soon, it became a trend on facebook. But... since like last year, "lol" stands for another meaning instead of Laugh Out Loud, it stands for this
Agree? I know you do. Whenever you say something "cold", they kinda like speechless and tend to reply you with "lol" instead of =.=. Which has clearly shown they're either speechless or they don't feel funny with the jokes you just cracked, conclusion: you're bad joker. Or some, they use it to answer every single question you ask them, like this :
A :" Have you eaten?"
B:" lol."
This means the respondent B has got no interest in you at all and doesn't wanna start a chat with you, "lol" as another new way to cut chat thread. Wow, another function !
Next, what makes "lol" and "LOL" different? the CAPITAL LETTERS, apparently. Why different? Usually when you use uppercase, it means you're like saying it loud, just like "GET OUT OF MY ROOM !" It sounds serious and loud as if you're shouting them. I remember when i first own a handphone during form1 and i just type all the message in capital letters because i don't know how to switch the font, and my brother told me that it's rude to type all words in uppercase. So, the same goes to the word "lol", when you capitalize it, you mean it serious. You're like saying "this is funny", you actually agree to the joke to some extend and kinda enjoy it. You're paying attention to what that person is telling you and you understand it. So usually, you're like this:

What about HAHAHHAH then? As i mentioned, when you capitalize it, you mean it serious. so Usually you'll really laugh with laughter, and you totally agree with that person and is sincerely laughing because it's funny. ROFL ? yea, much the same.
and usually for we Chinese, we tend to add on with "laugh die me" which is a direct translated word from Chinese. ._. This clearly states that you're interested in the chatting and you want more! This makes your day and your reaction could make your friend to feel the satisfaction and is proud for being good and attractive in chatting! You see, it's a simple thing that makes huge differences, it's also one new way to communicate and to show your sincerity.
As the conclusion, using of "lol" don't just show your reaction towards something your friend speak but also shows your sincerity in chatting, whether you're paying attention or not. So, for those who have always receive reply like "lol", i suggest you to improve your joking skills a bit or just back off, okay, cause people is not interested in chatting with you. Get a new target or stop telling lame jokes, people couldn't agree with you. It's a mutual reaction, you couldn't force people to laugh at your lame jokes right? So, read more 9gags and learn up the latest communication skill. You'll benefit.
anthropology student indeed
ReplyDeleteyes i am, edmund. hahaha
ReplyDeletegreat photos